Helpful tips

How do you celebrate a Sims birthday?

How do you celebrate a Sims birthday?

Go to your phone and click on Plan a Social Event. Select Birthday Party to get more options about who the birthday is for and who you want to invite. Now select the Sims who is celebrating her/his birthday, this can be more then one Sim.

How do I get my Sims to go to a party?

Make sure you place as many career and hobby items as possible in and around your home prior to starting your party. (Even duplicate yoga mats, writing desks, etc.) The more matches, the more Party XP and Career/Hobby XP the Sim can earn while attending.

Why can’t I host a party on Sims Mobile?

As the sim advanced through and were told your sim is ready for a new trait, you did not host a birthday party. Each time you miss the deadline, the option will be greyed out. The only way to unlock the option again is to retire a sim, create a new sim or promote a sim.

How do you host a birthday party on Sims Mobile?

Open the Parties menu and tap Host Weekly Party to get started.

  1. Decorate! Put out Party Decorations for your Sim and guests to interact with.
  2. Tap Chat to talk with other Simmers at the Party.
  3. You can host one Party a week.

How do you get a party cake on Sims Mobile?

Get 3 stars to earn the Life of the Party award, which will grant you a party cake and some Simoleons. You need to average 50 XP per action. Thus, if you only do low-XP actions (such as actions giving you 40 XP), you may not be able to earn the Life of the Party award.

How do you unlock traits?

You can simply unlock the majority of the traits by playing with your Sims. Socializing with other Sims also contribute in unlocking new traits. Aside from playing, you can take the shortcut route by purchasing heirlooms in the store.

How do you get heirlooms on Sims?

You can get Heirloom Tickets by Purchasing it using SimCash, as a reward in Family Event or from the daily Family Chest. You can also get Super and Luxe Heirloom Tickets by selling your duplicate Heirlooms.

How do you unlock the next trait on Sims Mobile?

As you continue playing, additional Traits will be unlocked. Aside from just waiting it out, the only sure way for you to get additional Traits is to retire a SIM. By doing so, your SIM will leave you an Heirloom. Whatever Heirloom your SIM leaves you with will allow you with a certain kind of Trait.

Where is the heirloom store in Sims Mobile?

After tapping the shopping bag icon, you can navigate on the top menu to the option second farthest to the right, which is shaped like an heirloom ticket. There you will see the heirlooms that are currently available to buy.

Can my SIM be a model?

So effectively, your Sims can become a famous model using Moschino Stuff and Get Famous, which is a neat little thing I didn’t expect. As long as the model is the one uploading and selling the photos, the model is the one who will receive the benefits of those actions.

Where is the photography career in Sims Mobile?

Go to the studio, click on the armchair icon to purchase furnishings, click on Photography Career, purchase and place the Photography Studio… Then you can start the Photography Career.

How do you start a friendly story on Sims Mobile?

  1. 2.Snap some selfies with other sims for practice 3 times- 5 seconds, costs 2 energy each Reward: 25 simoleons.
  2. 3.Start a friendly story (select make a friendly introduction on another sim and then select begin a friendship, once complete choose the story you want to tell) Reward: 25 simoleons.