How do you answer a call in an office script?

How do you answer a call in an office script?

State your name and role: Callers want to know who they’re speaking to and whether you can help. Don’t make them ask….1. Greeting the Caller

  1. Greet the caller with “Hi” or “Hello”
  2. Thank the caller.
  3. Recite the name of the business.
  4. State your name.
  5. Ask how you can help.

How do you politely transfer a call?

5 Steps to Professionally Transfer a Phone Call for Good Phone Etiquette

  1. Explain to the caller why their call needs to be transferred.
  2. Give the caller your information before transferring the call.
  3. Ask the caller for permission to initiate the transfer.
  4. Speak to the party whom the caller is being transferred to first.

How do you greet someone in a call center?

Here are some of their suggestions:

  1. “Hello, thank you for calling [INSERT COMPANY NAME].
  2. “Thank you for calling [INSERT COMPANY NAME].
  3. “Good morning/afternoon, thank you for calling [INSERT COMPANY NAME], you’re speaking to [INSERT NAME].
  4. “Thank you for calling [INSERT COMPANY NAME], this is [INSERT NAME].

When taking messages for another person a good rule to follow is to?

When taking messages for another person, a good rule to follow is to: ask the caller if you’ve spelled his or her name correctly. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

How do you do a call transfer?

Follow these steps to transfer a call on an analog phone.

  1. Press the R, lightning bolt, or flash button.
  2. Listen for a recall dial tone (3 beeps and a dial tone).
  3. Dial the number to which you want to transfer the call.
  4. Either wait for the first ring or stay on the line to announce the call.
  5. Hang up the handset.

What needs to be informed to a caller before transferring a call?

There are a few essential elements of call transfer you should never skip:

  1. Inform the customer.
  2. Give the caller the transfer information.
  3. Let the customer know what to expect.
  4. Always thank the customer!
  5. Introduce the caller.
  6. Make sure the call goes through.

When asked to arrange a conference call be sure to have the?

When asked to arrange a conference call, be sure to have the area code and number of each person on the call before the conference call operator is contacted.

What should you do if a caller needs a particular question answered?

If a caller needs a particular question answered and you’re completely uncertain about whom the caller should contact, Ask the caller’s name, number, and purpose of the call, and tell him or her that someone will call back in a few minutes. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.