Helpful tips

How do I stop being a mercenary in Mount and Blade?

How do I stop being a mercenary in Mount and Blade?

Talk to the leader of the faction you’ve joined, there should be an option to ask to be released from your contract.

How do you become a mercenary in Mount and Blade Warband?

To make a contract you must ask a vassal of the faction that you want to join if they have a task. There is quite a high chance that he will ask you to become a mercenary if that faction is at war, which you can then accept. Mercenary contracts last for 30 days in Warband, and can be renewed for another 30 days.

Can you be a mercenary in Bannerlord?

Once you’ve reached Clan Rank 1, you’ll finally be allowed to join a kingdom as a mercenary. Speak to a noble and you’ll see two dialogue options: “My sword is yours. Fight for the right sum.” – This lets you become a mercenary.

How do you get from vassal to mercenary in Bannerlord?

After awhile of fighting and raising you influence, you can go to a castle or castle town and speak to the lord there. Tell them you wish to become more then a mercenary and become a vassal. They will direct you towards the faction leader.

Can you marry Rhagaea?

While you can flirt with everyone, you can only marry one partner. This means you cannot marry Rhagaea – leader of the Southern Empire, but you could marry her daughter and heir-apparent Ira.

How do I track someone on Bannerlord?

Click on the city name there, and it will bring up a new page with information about the city or town. You’ll also see a button that says “track”, which is what we’re looking for. Enabling track will create a marker for that specific location so you can easily find it on your map.

How do I talk to Lords in Bannerlord?

When you visit a Castle you can ask the guard to open the gates, they usually do and it’s free. You can then request an audience in the Lords Room. If there are Nobles here, you will see them on the World Map as shown above. Then, you can go inside and speak with the Noble to get the information you need.

What do governors do Bannerlord?

25% increased build speed for town projects. 30% faster build rate for fortification, aquaduct and barracks projects. Every unique project in settlement provides a %1 bonus to prosperity gain.

How do you talk to nobles?

The best chance of getting to speak with Nobles is by going to Castles. The guard of the castle will open the gates for you for free of you ask him and when you request an audience in the Lord’s Room, the Nobles present there will appear as well. Then you can talk to the Noble to get the information required.

Who are the 10 nobles Bannerlord?

This quest will ask you to talk to 10 Nobles who have the knowledge of the Neretze’s Folly around the map….The nobles who knows Neretze’s Folly are:

  • Lucon (Northen Empire)
  • Rhagaea (Southern Empire)
  • Garios (Western Empire)
  • Adram (Aserai)
  • Unqid (Aserai)
  • Tais (Aserai)
  • Mesui (Khuzait)
  • Monchug (Khuzait)

Who are the nobles in Bannerlord?

How to Find 10 Nobles in Mount & Blade 2

  • Vlandia: King Derthert.
  • Sturgia: Prince Raganvad.
  • Northern Empire: Senator Lucon.
  • Southern Empire: Empress Rhagaea.
  • Western Empire: Garios.
  • Aserai: Sultan Unqid.
  • Kuzait: Monchug.
  • Battania: King Caladog.

Where are the nobles Bannerlord?

The best way to find a nobles is to visit the castle. When you visit the castle, you can ask the security guard to open the gate, they usually do this and it is free. Then you can ask for an audience in the room of the lords. If there are nobles here, you will see them on the world map as shown above.

Who is Lucon Bannerlord?

Senator Lucon Osticos is the ruler of the Northern Empire, leader of the Osticos clan, and a claimant to the imperial diadem of the Calradic Empire. Before the events of Bannerlord, Lucon was serving as a junior officer in the staff of Emperor Neretzes.

Where can I find Arzagos in Bannerlord?

When you reach the town look at the top of the screen where it shows you the portraits of all of the people in that town. If there are enough to fill the first row, there is another arrow that loads the next row. Here you will find both Istiana & Arzagos in their respective towns.

Where can I find Arzagos?

To find Istiana and Arzagos in Mount and Blade 2 you need to go inside their houses. When you reach their towns look at the top of the screen where you can see portraits of all the people inside the town. You can go through this list and find Istiana and Arzagos.

Where is Istiana?


How do I start my own kingdom in Mount and Blade 2?

To create your own kingdom, you’ll need to: Level up your clan to 3. Gather at least 100 troops….How to create your own kingdom

  1. Complete the Neretze’s Folly quest.
  2. Complete the Dragon Banner questline thereafter.
  3. Once you have the three Dragon Banner pieces, talk to Arzagos or Istiana. Source: Windows Central.