How do I restrict my Facebook profile from the public?

How do I restrict my Facebook profile from the public?

Click the “Who can look up your profile by name or contact info?” drop-down menu and select “Friends of Friends” or “Friends” to limit the people who can view your Facebook profile. This hides your profile from being visible in public searches on Facebook or from search engines like Google.

Can acquaintances see my posts?

Facebook friends added to your Acquaintances list will be able to see your photos, unless you have your privacy settings on those photos set as Custom: Friends except Acquaintances. When you choose the Custom privacy setting, you can selectively share something with specific people, or hide it from specific people.

What is the acquaintance setting on Facebook?

Facebook Help Team Acquaintances are people you might want to share less with. You can choose to exclude these people when you post something by choosing Friends except Acquaintances in the audience selector. No one will be notified if you add them to this list.

How do I exclude acquaintances on Facebook?

Step 2: Next click Acquaintances. Step 3: Now click Manage List in the top right. Step 4: Here select Edit List. Step 5: Now you need to hover over a friend’s profile picture and click X to remove them from your Acquaintances list.

What happened to friends except on Facebook?

Friends of Friends except- means that your privacy setting is set at “custom” on that post showing that when you post with this setting then friends and anyone else who is friends with your friends can view the post except for anyone who is placed on a restricted list.

How do I hide my Facebook status from one person?

How to Hide Your Facebook Post from a Specific Person

  1. Step 1: Navigate to your Facebook profile.
  2. Step 2: With the status window open, select where you want your post to appear: News Feed, your Story, or both.
  3. Step 3: After making your selection, click the dropdown menu to the right.
  4. Step 4: Select from your list the friends whom you don’t want to see your post.