Helpful tips

How do I put a link in my description on Tumblr mobile?

How do I put a link in my description on Tumblr mobile?

The link is put by this way:

  1. Type next to your text, if you have the text in your description box. If you do that, the link you will put is located in the bottom line.
  2. Open the page of the link that you want to add to your Tumblr bio and copy the link.
  3. You should use this code in your description to add the link:

How do you manage a To-Do list?

  1. Choose the Right App (or Paper)
  2. Make More Than One List.
  3. Jot Down Tasks as Quickly as Possible.
  4. Assign Due Dates.
  5. Revise Your To-Do Lists Daily.
  6. Limit Yourself to 3-5 Tasks Daily.
  7. Put Tasks on Your To-Do List, Not Goals.
  8. Keep Goals and Objectives Separate.

How do I manage a To Do list in Outlook?

Create a task

  1. Sign in to
  2. Select Tasks from the app launcher.
  3. Select New.
  4. Type the subject, due date, and if you like, a note about the task.
  5. Select Show more details to enter information like Start date, Date complete, and Status and to track progress on the task such as % completed or hours worked.

Is Microsoft to do list free?

Microsoft To Do is available for free, and syncs across iPhone, Android, Windows 10, and the web.

Why is wunderlist closing?

Microsoft says it decided to now move to close down Wunderlist because it has stopped releasing new features for the app and, as the app ages, it will become more difficult to maintain. In addition, it wants to at last focus its full energies on making its To Do app the best alternative to Wunderlist.

Which is better TickTick or Todoist?

Cheaper than Todoist (for almost-equal functionality). TickTick positions itself as a direct competitor to Todoist. At $28 a year it delivers most of Todoist’s features at almost half the price, plus some things Todoist doesn’t have like custom views (a.k.a. smart lists) and a built-in calendar view.

Is Todoist premium worth it 2020?

If you are doing GTD, there is really no way you can do without Todoist Premium. Even if you don’t, location-based reminders, task comments, and file uploads, and projects templates are features that are worth the cost.

Is notion better than Todoist?

When comparing Todoist vs Notion, the Slant community recommends Todoist for most people. In the question“What are the best cross-platform task apps?” Todoist is ranked 2nd while Notion is ranked 15th. The most important reason people chose Todoist is: Todoist’s web and desktop interfaces have a 2-column layout.

How reliable is notion?

Yes and No. Yes if you trust them with your data as it lives on their servers. Notion does offer a great flexibility and can do more things than just take notes.