Helpful tips

How do I organize my bedroom with too much stuff?

How do I organize my bedroom with too much stuff?

Too Much Stuff, Not Enough Space? Try the 4-Box Technique

  1. Step 1: Gather and label boxes. via The Purple Pumpkin Blog.
  2. Step 2: Declutter one area at time.
  3. Step 3: Ask yourself rational questions about each item.
  4. Step 4: Empty the four boxes and repeat.
  5. 13 Things to Get Rid of Right Now!

How do I purge my bedroom?

Resetting your space simply means doing a quick tidy to put things away where they belong and deal with any messes or clutter before it has a chance to pile up. Spend a few minutes clearing the surfaces, putting things away, putting clean and dirty laundry where it belongs, and tidying up regularly.

How can I declutter my bedroom in one day?

How to Declutter an Entire Room in One Go

  1. Clear a working space, probably in the middle.
  2. Start on one side of the room and work to the other.
  3. Do one drawer or shelf or spot on the floor at a time.
  4. Pull everything out of the drawer or shelf (or section of floor or what have you), and pile it in the working space.

What is the fastest way to purge clutter?

10 Clutter-Clearing Strategies that Will Gradually Make Your Life 100 Times Easier

  1. Start with one small area—like your junk drawer.
  2. Set a timer for 10 minutes.
  3. Try the trash-bag method.
  4. Keep it sustainable.
  5. Use “habit tracking” to your advantage.
  6. Never, ever start with sentimental items.
  7. Keep the one-in, one-out rule.

How do you purge a closet fast?

4 steps to clean out your cluttered closet

  1. Take inventory. The first step in your closet clean-out is to completely empty it.
  2. Grab some bags. Next, you’re going to need to grab some trash bags, a marker and some tape.
  3. Set rules for what goes back in.
  4. 8 decluttering tips from Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.
  5. Finish up.

How do you organize your closet when you have too many clothes?

10 Organization Tricks for People With Too Many Clothes

  1. of 10. Double Up Your Hangers.
  2. of 10. Invest in Dividers.
  3. of 10. Use Shower Curtain Rings for Scarves.
  4. of 10. File Your T-Shirts.
  5. of 10. Use Smarter Hangers.
  6. of 10. Add More Rods.
  7. of 10. Store Bulky Items Like Shoes.
  8. of 10. Add Storage Up Top.

What to do with clothes you want to wear again?

Idea 1: Hang Worn Clothes On Hooks On The Back Of Your Closet Or Bedroom Door. This is my personal favorite idea, so I’ve added it first, and that’s to add some hooks or pegs to the back of your closet door (or bedroom door) that you can use for hanging up lightly worn clothes.

Should you fold or hang hoodies?

What to fold: Anything that can easily stretch out, such as sweaters, knits, T-shirts and sweats, should be folded rather than hung, because folding puts less stress on these materials.