Helpful tips

How do I hide my information on whitepages?

How do I hide my information on whitepages?


  1. Go to the Whitepages opt-out page.
  2. Paste in the URL of your listing.
  3. Verify the record you want removed and click the “Remove me” button.
  4. Next, you’ll have to enter your phone number to receive via an automated confirmation call.
  5. Wait for the verification robocall, then follow the prompts.

Can I remove myself from whitepages?

Whitepages collects and posts all kinds of personal information publicly online. Removing yourself from Whitepages requires you to fill out an opt-out form, and verify your request over the phone. After that, your listing should be removed within 24 hours.

How much does whitepages premium cost?

Whitepages Unlimited costs $3.99 per month and offers unlimited basic lookups including current address, landlines and relatives. There’s a money back guarantee too. Whitepages Unlimited Plus costs $4.99 per month for up to 20 premium lookups or $19.99 for up to 200 lookups.

Why does whitepages cost?

Because the original white page book was paid for by advertising. The website doesn’t have that benefit, so you get charged for what used to be free. It’s the same with 411. You get charged $1.99 per call.

Does whitepages notify the person being located? does the person get notified when I buy a background check about them. No. All the background check is really doing is pulling a lot of scrapped public information and presenting it to you in a complete report. No.

Who owns whitepages?

Alex Algard

Are the white pages still printed?

Phone books and white pages have gone the way of the rotary-dial telephone. But both still exist digitally online. January 29, 2018 at 5:35 a.m. Verizon’s white pages — at — take me to, a massive resource of phone numbers.

How can you find addresses for free?

Or maybe you see an unfamiliar phone number in your records? AnyWho provides a free online people search directory where you can find people by their name, address or you can do a reverse lookup by phone number. The AnyWho People Search is updated weekly with phone numbers of individuals from across the nation.