Helpful tips

How do I get rid of Jumbie?

How do I get rid of Jumbie?

Leave a pair of shoes outside the house door, so jumbies (who do not have feet) spend the entire night trying to wear the shoes before moving into the house. Leave a heap of sand or salt or rice outside the house door, which compels jumbies (more so the Firerass, or ole Higue) to count every grain before the sun rises.

Who is the main character in the Jumbies?

Corinne La Mer

What genre are Jumbies?

Horror fiction

Where does the Jumbies take place?

The Jumbies novels are not exactly Trinidad, but take place on an unnamed Caribbean island, heavily influenced by Trini creatures and landscape.

What is the theme of the book Jumbies?

Prejudice is another very important theme, as Corrine faces the mistrust and hostility of her community based entirely on who her mother was. The Jumbies are a welcome addition to the juvenile menagerie of mythological creatures, lit with the culture and stories of the Caribbean.

How many pages does the Jumbies have?


What word does Vizzini always say?

Any fan of the cult classic will find it impossible not to think immediately of Vizzini when the word “inconceivable” is uttered, or be reminded instantly of Westley when the phrase “as you wish” is said.

What is The Princess Bride based on?

Adapted by William Goldman from his 1973 novel The Princess Bride, it tells the story of a farmhand named Westley, accompanied by companions befriended along the way, who must rescue his true love Princess Buttercup from the odious Prince Humperdinck….The Princess Bride (film)

The Princess Bride
Based on The Princess Bride by William Goldman

What is The Princess Bride available on?

Streaming Options On Monday, The Princess Bride stars Robin Wright and Cary Elwes reunited to announce that their iconic 1987 film will be available to stream on Disney+ beginning next month.