Helpful tips

How do I get my EA account back?

How do I get my EA account back?

How to get ahold of us

  1. Click Contact Us at the top of any page on EA Help.
  2. Select Origin.
  3. Choose any platform.
  4. Select Manage my account for the Topic and Can’t log in for the Issue.
  5. Click Select contact option.
  6. Tell us your name and your email address, then click Next.

Can I delete an EA account?

You can’t deactivate or delete your EA Account by yourself — that’s how serious we are about it. You’ll have to talk to one of our advisors.

How many EA accounts can you have?

You can’t have multiple accounts under one EA Account but you could have multiple EA account. You would need to purchase the game for every account to be able to play on them all.

Can you transfer games from one origin account to another?

Re: Can I transfer game from one origin account to another (Both in my name) It is not possible to transfer games from one account to another. Each game has a single license for one account only.

Can you link EA accounts?

An EA Account can only have one of each platform account linked at a time. Instead, you’ll need to create a new EA Account to link to your additional platform accounts. If you try to link additional accounts, you’ll get a message that says Linked accounts found.

How do I link two EA accounts?

Re: How to merge two origin accounts.

  1. In the upper right corner, choose your region. If it’s not there, choose US or UK.
  2. Choose a game.
  3. Choose your platform.
  4. Choose topic and issue to give EA details.
  5. Click Select contact option, and hopefully, you get in touch with someone fast!

Can you combine apex accounts?

– you can voluntarily merge the accounts. This way all your experience, badges, and other stuff show up on all the platforms. – you can un-merge accounts, at which time the accounts get their skins and experience back. this should be possible after gaining more experience later.

Can you share your Origin account?

@Aamaia4life You can only be logged in to the same account on one device/computer at a time, so in short, no. You can have games installed on more than one computer/device, but since you need to be logged in to Origin to play them, only one person can play on one device at the same time.

Can you family share Origin games?

Origin does not provide a way to share games with others at this time either. They do, however offer a gifting feature, but you will have to pay for the game again in order to share it with others.

Can you share DRM free games?

TLDR version: DRM free digital games still often restrict their licences to one user, so technically you can’t share them in the way that Steam Sharing would allow.

How do I share my Steam games with friends 2020?

To enable Family Library Sharing, first be sure you have Steam Guard security enabled via Steam > Settings > Account in the Steam Client. Then enable the sharing feature via Settings > Family, (or in Big Picture mode, Settings > Family Library Sharing,) where you’ll also authorize specific computers and users to share.

How do I access my family games on Steam?

Log into your Steam account on the computer where you’d like to share your games. Make sure that you have Steam Guard security enabled via Steam > Settings > Account in the Steam Client. From the Steam Settings panel select the Family tab (or in Big Picture mode, Settings > Family Library Sharing).