Helpful tips

How do I fix bad config?

How do I fix bad config?

Perform a System Restore

  1. Open Start menu.
  2. Search for “Create a restore point”.
  3. Click top result to open System Properties.
  4. Select “System Restore” and then hit “Next”.
  5. Select the restore point you want to go back to.
  6. Select “Scan for affected programs”.
  7. Hit “Next”, and then “Finish”.
  8. Let the computer do its work.

How do I fix my DNS server not responding?

Let’s take a look at ten potential ways you can fix “DNS Server Not Responding” on Windows and Mac devices.

  • Switch to a Different Browser.
  • Start Your Computer in Safe Mode.
  • Temporarily Disable Your Antivirus Software and Firewall.
  • Disable Secondary Connections.
  • Disable the Windows Peer-to-Peer Feature.
  • Restart Your Router.

Is it safe to clear DNS cache on DNS server?

The only reason you would need to flush dns is if a dns record has changed and the cache still reflects the old record. Use nslookup on the exchange server and check to see if the DC names resolve properly. ipconfig /flushdns will flush the resolver cache of the DNS client.

How do I refresh my DNS server?

XP and Vista

  1. Close all browser windows.
  2. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
  3. Type the following at the command prompt: ipconfig /flushdns.
  4. If the command was successful, you will see the message, “DNS Resolver Cache Successfully Flushed.”

What is DNS flush used for?

Dns flushing is the mechanism where the user can manually make all the entries in the cache invalid, so your computer re-fetches new combinations by now on whenever it needs and stores in local cache.

Why is my Internet connection so slow?

There are many reasons your Internet connection might appear slow. It could be a problem with your modem or router, Wi-Fi signal, signal strength on your cable line, devices on your network saturating your bandwidth, or even a slow DNS server. These troubleshooting steps will help you pin down the cause.