Helpful tips

How do I cancel an upgrade?

How do I cancel an upgrade?

We hope that we can provide the products and services to help you accomplish your financial goals. However, if you would like to cancel your application, you may speak with our Upgrade Verifications team by calling toll-free at (855) 466-5995, Monday-Friday, 6am-6pm, Saturday and Sunday 6am-5pm Pacific Time.

How do you cancel a build in clash of clans?

You can’t cancel new buildings. Nope… you can only cancel upgrades now. You can’t. This is to prevent it breaking clan war.

Can you cancel a town hall upgrade?

Yes there is No option to cancel it. Supercell outsmarted us. And obviously, in a similar way there would be no option to cancel other upgrades once you start your Townhall upgrade.

Can I downgrade my town hall in clash of clans?

Sorry, but this isn’t possible. Just don’t upgrade any defenses beyond TH9 level. You will have a loot penalty in multi-player, but you won’t face a disadvantage in war.

Should you max out your town hall?

In this case, you should not upgrade your town hall until you have reached whatever trophy level it was that you wanted to reach while still at your TH level. This is completely personal. It can get to be a very time-consuming project without much payoff, and slow down your overall rate of maxing out your account.

Should you max everything before upgrading Town Hall?

You should always upgrade everything to max level before upgrading your TH. At lower TH levels, it is hard to win defenses because of how few defensive buildings are available, but it doesn’t really matter. As long as you attack more than you get attacked you will be fine.

Is Clash of Clans a dead game?

Clahs of Clans is NOT dead. Supercell keeps the game being actualized with all kind of things recently, such a great example being the TH12. Supercell keeps the game being actualized with all kind of things recently, such a great example being the TH12.

How will CoC finally die?

A new game that’s way better than Clash of Clans will come out and everybody will be downloading that, instead of clash of clans. So eventually CoC will not get enough business and eventually die out.

How many players does Dcuo have?

DC Universe Online

Month Avg. Players % Gain
Last 30 Days 624.0 +12.96%
March 2021 552.4 +6.62%
February 2021 518.1 -3.00%
January 2021 534.1 +21.54%

Is Warframe open world?

Massive have arrived in Warframe. Previously, it was a procedurally generated co-op dungeon-crawler with sci-fi ninjas, but the new Plains of Eidolon update transforms Warframe into an open-world game.