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How do DNA and mtDNA differ?

How do DNA and mtDNA differ?

Nuclear DNA is located within the nucleus of eukaryote cells and usually has two copies per cell while mitochondrial DNA is located in the mitochondria and contains 100-1,000 copies per cell. … Mitochondrial DNA chromosomes usually have closed, circular structures, and contain for example 16,569 nucleotides in human.

What kind of DNA do mitochondria have?

Mitochondrial DNA is the small circular chromosome found inside mitochondria. These organelles found in cells have often been called the powerhouse of the cell. The mitochondria, and thus mitochondrial DNA, are passed almost exclusively from mother to offspring through the egg cell.

Why is mitochondrial DNA from mother?

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is genetic material found in mitochondria. It is passed down from mothers to both sons and daughters, but sons cannot pass along their mothers' mtDNA to their children. This is because mtDNA is transmitted through the female egg. … You inherited your mtDNA exclusively from your mother.

What are the characteristics of mitochondrial DNA?

They play an important role in the regulation of cellular metabolism, apoptosis and oxydative stress control. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has many special features such as a high copy number in cell, maternal inheritance, and a high mutation rate which have made it attractive to scientists from many fields.