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How did Olivia Crain die?

How did Olivia Crain die?

At the very moment, Hugh arrives, and he sees what Olivia did to the caretakers’ daughter, and what she was about to do to their own kids. Hugh takes away the kids from the house. In the meantime, Olivia is coaxed by the Hill House to take her own life. She jumps from the balcony and commits suicide.

How does Nell’s husband die?

As an adult, she suffers from sleep paralysis. In the series, Nell’s husband Arthur Vance (Jordane Christie) is a medical professional whom she met when getting treatment for her sleep paralysis. In episode five, while Nell is experiencing sleep paralysis, Arthur suffers from a sudden brain aneurysm and dies.

Did Hill House kill Arthur?

Arthur died from an honest to goodness aneurysm, something that he was probably susceptible to for his entire life. There was nothing supernatural about it. We know this because the Bent Neck Lady is Nell, and we see that when she hangs herself, she drops through time to show up to herself over the course of her life.

Who is the tall man in Hill House?

William Hill

Why Nell is the bent-neck lady?

Standing on the ledge of the tall staircase, Nell is pushed by her mother’s ghost, causing her to fall through time as a broken necked woman (THE BENT-NECK LADY), seeing herself from the opposite perspective as a child, during her husband’s death, and when she bought drugs for Luke.

Why does Nell see the bent-neck lady?

The bent-neck was a clue as to how she would meet her end, hanging from the staircase. When you realise this, you also realise Nell has visited other characters as the bent-neck lady, which means she was actually the saviour for her siblings.

Did Arthur see the bent-neck lady?

He asked her out for coffee and they began to date. He proposed to her at a New Year’s Eve party and they were married in 2016. He is later offered a position at UCLA and the two move to Los Angeles. Eight months later, Eleanor experiences an episode of sleep paralysis in which she sees the Bent-Neck Lady.

Why did Nellie’s husband die Hill House?

Speaking of loss, both Nellie and Love also lost husbands at very young ages due to illnesses. Nellie’s husband Arthur (Jordane Christie) had an unexpected aneurysm during one of her sleep paralysis incidents, while Love’s husband hid his terminal disease from her until it was too late.

What can Theo do with her hands?

Theo assumes it’s her little sister Nell, but when her hand is squeezed a little too hard, she turns to find no one there. She gifts Theo a pair of gloves so that she can keep her developing psychic powers at bay. So, from then on, Theo wears gloves as protection from feeling other people’s emotions and trauma.

Are the Dudleys ghosts Hill House?

The Dudleys are the caretakers of Hill House, and when Hugh (Henry Thomas) and Olivia (Carla Gugino) Crain purchase the home as a summer property that they hope to flip, the Dudleys help them move in and get situated.

Why do the Dudleys stay at Hill House?

Horace Dudley (Robert Longstreet) and his wife Clara (Annabeth Gish), have maintained the haunted house for years, but because they know of its potential for evil, they try to stay away from it at night. Mr. Dudley is dying, Horace carries her to Hill House, so that she can be with her daughter forever.