Helpful tips

How can I see how old my YouTube account is?

How can I see how old my YouTube account is?

Go to the channel’s home page and click “About” It should give you the date the channel was created. (Technically it gives you the date the user started an account but it’s usually close enough. You could crosscheck by clicking “Videos” then click “Sort Oldest to Newest” and find their oldest vid.

How do I find the owner of a YouTube channel?

If you manage a channel, you can find out the channel owner’s name and email….To find the channel owner’s name and email:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Settings > Permissions.
  3. You’ll see the name and email of everyone that has access to this channel. Make note of the owner’s info.

Can you change the owner of a YouTube channel?

Change roles or remove people Only an owner of a Brand Account can remove owners or managers from a Brand Account’s YouTube channel. On YouTube, sign in as the owner of the Brand Account. Under “Account,” select Add or remove manager(s).

Can you tell who viewed your YouTube video?

Can you see who viewed your YouTube videos? Unfortunately, views on a YouTube video aren’t like views on your Instagram story — you can’t see what users are watching your videos. The analytics provided by YouTube also include information like users’ watch time, traffic sources, and how many people have shared it.

How many subscribers do you need to make posts?

Community posts are lightweight engagement tools that allow Creators with at least 1,000 subscribers to get closer to fans beyond video. Through different content types, you can both give fans a deeper look into your world and express your creativity.

How do I check my YouTube revenue?

You can see your estimated earnings on the Revenue tab of YouTube Analytics. Your finalized earnings appear in AdSense….See your estimated earnings

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left menu, select Analytics.
  3. From the top menu, select Revenue.