Helpful tips

Does Windhelm have a general store?

Does Windhelm have a general store?

Also, in Riften and Windhelm, they have a little marketplace with stalls, and many of them are considered general goods stores, too, and will buy anything.

Is there a shop in Winterhold?

Within Winterhold itself, Birna’s Oddments is the main spot for trading.

Where are general goods stores in Skyrim?

General Merchants

  • Solaf, Gray Pine Goods, Falkreath.
  • Lisbet, Arnleif and Sons Trading Company, Markarth.
  • Bersi Honey-Hand, The Pawned Prawn, Riften.
  • Madesi, Riften merchant square.
  • Sayma, Bits and Pieces, Solitude.
  • Anoriath, Whiterun merchant square.
  • Belethor, Belethor’s General Goods, Whiterun.

Is there a general store in Morthal?

The Imperials have set up a tower on the bridge in Morthal, an enterprising Argonian lady, Scrum-Jee, has set up a general store on the outside of the tower. She carries a few specialty goods as well. It’s the only place in Skyrim you can buy the famous Black Marsh Stout!

Where is general goods shop Genshin impact?


Where is General Goods Second Life?

Dongsheng is the owner of the General Goods shop Second Life in the main plaza at Chihu Rock, Liyue Harbor.

Can I sell things in Genshin impact?

You can’t sell armor or weapons…or any items. Refine dupe weapons, feed 1-2* artifacts to level artifacts, feed dupe weapons to enhance weapons.

Where can I farm Mora?

Best Way to Farm Money (Mora)

  • Finish your Daily Commissions Most Effective!
  • Open a Money Flower in the field.
  • Clear Abyssal Domains (Dungeons)

How do I farm Mora without resin?

The best ways to farm Mora in “Genshin Impact” without using Resin, are through chest farming, artifact and sigils. Players can destroy excess artifacts to obtain Mora while artifacts could be traded at the souvenir shop with each costing 1600 Mora. Meanwhile, chests and sigils offer around 1000 Mora.

What to do in Genshin no resin?

10 Things To Do In Genshin Impact When You’re Out Of Resin

  1. 1 Clean Up World Quests.
  2. 2 Farm Some Achievements.
  3. 3 Explore The Cities, Talk To NPCs.
  4. 4 Complete BP Objectives For The Day, Week, Or Month.
  5. 5 Find And Mark Locations For Ore, Plants, Shrines Etc.
  6. 6 Attempt To Progress In Spiral Abyss.
  7. 7 Look For Chests, Ruins, And Secrets.
  8. 8 Farm Daily Trackable Elites.

Where can I farm Mora Genshin?

200K Mora Chests At Liyue Bank At Liyue, there is a Bank that you will get to through the main quest. Enter the bank and climb the stairs and open a chest to get 200,000 Mora.

Where can I buy Anemo sigils?

It is important to note that only chests located in the continent of Mondstadt will produce Anemo Sigils. Chests in Liyue will produce Geo Sigils which can only be used at the Liyue gift shop. In short, opening chests and offering Anemoculus crystals are the only way to obtain Anemo Sigils.

Where can I find Anemo?

List and Map of Anemoculus

No. Image How to Get
1 Enlarge Found near the Anemo Slimes under the cliff.
2 Enlarge Located midair. Use an Anemo skill on an Anemograna on the ground to summon an upward wind current.
3 Enlarge Climb the nearby tower to reach it.
4 Enlarge Located on the side of the cliff. Accessible by gliding.

Where can I farm Anemoculus?

How To Get Each Anemoculus Orb

  • On top of the stone pillar – climb up to get it.
  • Hidden in a tree.
  • Near the stone pillar here.
  • On the very top of the stone arch, which is climbable.
  • In-between a few boulders.
  • Floating in the air.
  • Floating in the air.
  • Jump down the cliff to get this.

How do you sit on a statue of Genshin impact?

Just run up the slope of the statues’ robe, climb up the last bit of it, then run on over to the hands. You’ll get a button prompt to sit by hitting SQUARE.

How much does it cost for 10 Wishes Genshin impact?

The bad news is that you need a lot of them if you want to make a lot of Wishes. Each single Wish costs 160 Primogems, and a group of 10 Wishes costs 1600 Primogems (we recommend only doing one pull at a time).