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Does Dimitri have a crest?

Does Dimitri have a crest?

Dimitri is a playable character and one of four main protagonists in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Dimitri possesses a Minor Crest of Blaiddyd and wields Lances as his main weapon.

Why does Edelgard have the crest of Seiros?

The Crest of Seiros, along with Cethleann, Indech, and Cichol are all Crests that were passed down through the ancestors receiving a blood transfusion, or perhaps something similar to Genealogy where the “gods” made the Twelve Crusaders ingest some of their blood.

Why did Edelgard hire bandits?

She either hired the bandits to kill Dimitri and Claude, or just hired them to harm them to make the church look bad.

Do you have to kill Dimitri three houses?

Dimitri doesn’t die during the timeskip on GD, he’s rumoured to have died, but he actually survives and takes part in the post-timeskip battle at Gronder Field. He actually does die after you beat that chapter though, from being outnumbered by Imperial troops and taking a few spears to the chest.

Is Claude related to Dimitri?

The game begins in 1180 and ends in 1185. That is around a century between the Kingdom being founded and the Alliance separating and two/three centuries of them being separate. —and Dimitri did NOT acknowledge Claude like he did Edelgard because they are not directly related. They have never acted related.

Can you spare Claude in crimson flower?

For Claude, make sure Byleth or Edelgard knocks him to 0 HP. When prompted, pick “Spare.” It doesn’t matter if Byleth deals the final hit or not, so long as they strike at least once.

Can you spare everyone in three houses?

You can only spare people who can be persuaded by Byleth. Flayn and Seteth won’t join you, period. But you can spare them IF you fight them both with Byleth. Anyone else will kill them.

Can you spare Hilda Black Eagles?

Okay, so just confirming that you can spare but not recruit Hilda in Chapter 14 of Crimson Flower by avoiding combat with her, then defeating Claude with Byleth.