Helpful tips

Do you send graduation announcements before or after graduation?

Do you send graduation announcements before or after graduation?

Graduation announcements should be sent out at least two weeks before the event. If they don’t include an invitation, you can send them up to six weeks after the event. You may also consider sending out a save the date email three months before the ceremony to ensure loved ones can attend.

Is it tacky to send out graduation announcements?

The experts agree it is tacky for grads to mention gift registries or suggestions on an invitation, which makes it hard for guests to know what to give; guests can seek out suggestions when they RSVP, advises Post. Many people automatically think to give the graduate money as a present.

How do you ask for money in graduation announcements?

How to Ask for a Monetary Gift in a Graduation Invitation

  1. Compose the correct wording in advance. Write out exactly what you want your graduation or graduation party invitation to say before you print or order the invitations.
  2. Follow the rules of etiquette when asking for cash.
  3. Accept other forms of monetary help.
  4. Thank the donor(s).

What should a mom wear to her son’s high school graduation?

Yes, a pair of dress pants and a pretty blouse is fine, or you can wear pants with a top or shirt and a smart blazer for a polished mom look. Dress pants + a feminine top worn with a cardigan or jacket works well too. Enjoy!

What do guests wear to graduation?

If the invitation doesn’t specifically state the dress code, go with a nice dress or skirt/slacks with a blouse combination. It’s a safe bet and you’ll always feel more comfortable dressed up than dressed down. Don’t wear jeans!

What is the best flower for graduation?

Best Flowers for Graduation

  1. Roses. Roses have been potent symbols for thousands of years.
  2. Peonies. Peonies are popular springtime flowers, often found in joyous occasions from weddings to baby showers.
  3. Hydrangeas.
  4. Carnations.
  5. Chrysanthemums.
  6. Tulips.
  7. Orchids.
  8. Ranunculuses.

What do I bring to a graduation ceremony?

Bring to the Ceremony:

  1. Cap/Gown/Honors Regalia.
  2. Semi-formal comfortable clothes: you don’t want jeans and a t-shirt, but you also don’t want a 3-piece suit or evening gown.
  3. Comfortable shoes: you’ll be walking and standing for pictures, so be sure to wear practical shoes.
  4. Tide To-Go Pen.
  5. Gum.

How do you make a candy lei with money?

Cut 6-8 inch pieces of curling ribbon and tie one in between each candy bar. Tie the two ends together using more curling ribbon. Repeat for the second set of candy bars and your candy bar lei is all done! If you want to make this gift even better, you could make little money bows and attach them in between each candy.

How do you make butterfly money leis for graduation?


  1. Fold the bill in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold all of the corners in to make two points on each end of the bill.
  3. Make small folds lengthwise, flipping the bill as you fold to make an accordion fold.
  4. Fold that bill together evening in the center.
  5. Take the other bill and fold it in half like a mountain crease.