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Do panini and Chowder end up together?

Do panini and Chowder end up together?

Chowder takes over the Catering company with Scraps as his apprentice. Chowder and Panini finally get married and they end up having 50 children together.

Why is Panini obsessed with Chowder?

This article explains the (mostly one-sided) relationship/attraction between Chowder and Panini. Chowder – He is a cat/bear/rabbit creature that likes to eat a lot. He dislikes Panini because she always tries to flirt with him. Panini – She is the same creature as Chowder whom has a huge crush on him.

Who has a panini crush?

In “Panini for President”, it is revealed that Ceviché had developed a crush on Panini.

What Panini calls Chowder?

Num Nums
She calls Chowder “Num Nums” in almost all the episodes she is found in and in another episode, she called him “future husband”.

How old is panini from chowder?

Panini (voiced by Liliana Mumy): A 12-year-old pink cabbit who has a crush on Chowder and reminds him at every opportunity.

How old is Chowder?

Chowder (voiced by Nicky Jones/C.H. Greenblatt in Chowder Grows Up) – Chowder is a small, eccentric 9-13 year old child who is serving as a chef’s apprentice under Mung Daal.

Who has a crush on Chowder?


Are paninis cats?

Appearance. Panini is a pink-furred cat-bear-rabbit. She usually has her ears tied like pigtails or a ponytail and has rose colored eyes.

Is Ceviche a girl or a boy?

Ceviche (voiced by Elan Garfias): A young yellow (and somewhat androgynous) goat apprentice to Paté and Panini’s best friend, Ceviche was introduced in the episode “The Apprentice Games”. He practices aerobic-style dancing and is very charitable and kind to others.

What animal is Panini cartoon?

Appearance. Panini is a pink-furred cat-bear-rabbit.

Is Chowder male or female?

Chowder is a boy, in Chowder Grows Up he is a 30-year-old man. In episodes, however, Chowder is protestant of growing up and says he wants to be young forever. However, he eventually grows up. Chowder is a mix between a cat, bear, and rabbit.

Is Ceviche a boy or girl?

What animal is ceviche from Chowder?

Ceviche (Sa-Vee-Chea) is Paté’s apprentice and is Panini’s best friend. He seems to be a cross between an antelope, a goat, and a reindeer, but is actually a sheep.

Is Chowder a dude?

Chowder is a boy, in Chowder Grows Up he is a 30-year-old man. In episodes, however, Chowder is protestant of growing up and says he wants to be young forever. Chowder is a mix between a cat, bear, and rabbit.

Is mung Chowder the father?

Chowder’s relatives have never been shown, though he does address Mung as “papa” as he sees him as a fatherly figure, but he is not his father. The voice actor of Chowder is the voice actor for Gumball in the pilot episode of The Amazing World of Gumball.

Why does endive hate Mung?

Many fans think Mung is Endive’s ex-fiancé, because in “Chowder’s Girlfriend,” it’s revealed that Endive was engaged to get married at one point, but her fiancé never showed up for their wedding, thus breaking her heart and causing her trademark intense misandry.

Are Chowder and gorgonzola friends?

Chowder treats Gorgonzola kindly and appears oblivious to the fact that Gorgonzola likes him as a friend. He’s referred to Gorgonzola as his “best friend” before (though that statement was disagreed upon a moment later).

Is Mung Chowder the father?

No, Mung is not Chowders real dad. Chowder is just an apprentice to Mung, which means he just basically lives with him in order to learn how to become a Master Chef.