Helpful tips

Do guppies like air stones?

Do guppies like air stones?

The main purpose of this post is to answer the question do guppies need a bubbler. As seen above, the answer is yes. Like other freshwater fish that swim in currents in their natural habitat, guppies aren’t fans of stagnant water. They also love clean and aerated water, and that’s exactly where bubblers step in.

Are guppies very active?

Guppies are Very Active You can’t get bored of guppies. An aquarium full with guppy fish is always fun to watch. Although I don’t have much time now, I used to sit in from of my aquariums and watch my guppy fish doing their thing. Feeding them is also a fun moment.

Do guppies need water circulation?

Guppies cannot breathe oxygen, but they do need adequate oxygenated water to survive. Like humans, guppies also cannot survive without oxygen. Guppies breathe through their gills. They pump out water through their gills, which in turn derives the oxygen out of the water.

Why are my fish swimming against the current?

More than likely what you are seeing is normal, however, check your fish for parasites/ICH to be on the safe side. Sometimes fish that swim in the current can be a sign of parasites just like flashing, when they try to scratch an itch due to parasites. The current gives them a bit of relief from the parasites.

Which fish swims against current?


Can swim against the current?

To go against or disagree with a prevailing or popularly held opinion or perspective; to act or behave contrary to the majority of others.

Do fish swim up or downstream?

Swimming upstream for spawning purposes simplifies migration. Younger fish who do not possess the strength to swim great distances follow the currents downstream. Thus, salmon and other fish swim upstream for the benefit of future generations.

What direction do fish swim?

Fish swim by flexing their bodies and tail back and forth. Fish stretch or expand their muscles on one side of their body, while relaxing the muscles on the other side. This motion moves them forward through the water. Fish use their back fin, called the caudal fin, to help push them through the water.

At what pressure do fish bite best?

The best barometric pressure for fishing is between 29.70 and 30.40 inches of Mercury (1005.757 to 1029.462 millibar). This is a medium pressure and if you want to try out some new technique or do any kind of regular fishing, do it during this condition.

Why don t fish bite in the middle of the day?

Do fish bite in the middle of the day? You can catch a lot of fish in the middle of the day with the right approach. The warmer water reduces available oxygen and warm sun-lit water can reveal fish to be docile. The trick is to locate cooler water where fish will congregate and rev up their feeding activity.