Helpful tips

Do Bettas like air pumps?

Do Bettas like air pumps?

Air pumps aren’t essential for betta tanks, and in general aren’t essential for any tank. The labyrinth organ means that bettas don’t have to breathe through gills. Instead, they can go to the surface of the water to breathe oxygen as well. However, there are times when an air pump can be beneficial.

Do bubblers bother fish?

Certain fish have adapted to stagnant water, like betta, and can even draw water from the surface. In this case, the water movement caused by a bubbler can actually stress the fish.

Do Bettas need aerated water?

Aeration isn’t critical for a betta aquarium. In fact, if you have a filtration system, you won’t need one. Bettas have a brilliant system for breathing underwater. They’re known as labyrinth fish, meaning they can take oxygen through their gills or from the surface of the water.

Can bettas eat cucumber?

The answer is yes, betta fish can tolerate a little bit of these other vegetables instead of peas. You might even have two fish in the same tank that like different things. Like the peas, cucumber or zucchini should be boiled a little first to soften it up and make it easier for your fish to eat and digest.

Can bettas eat watermelon?

Watermelon should not be used as a staple food for Betta fish, but more as a treat and always in very small pieces. Feeding of watermelon to Betta fish can be done once in a while. Author’s Note: Never feed your Betta fish with citrus fruits. Their digestive system cannot process the acidity.

Can Betta eat grapes?

grapes met with mixed success, but overall it was thumbs down from the bettas. they definitely prefer cantaloupe so far.

Can bettas eat lettuce?

Cucumber, as well as, lettuce, are also excellent sources of food. They contain a lot of vitamins, and Betta fish can easily digest them. Don’t provide them plenty of these things and make sure to cut them into small pieces.