Did Leonidas kill the messenger?

Did Leonidas kill the messenger?

It presents the murder of the Persian messengers as Leonidas bravely taking a stand. His rejection of their proposal is so fateful and definitive that the death of the envoys says exactly the same as the message they would have carried to Xerxes….

What is the government like in Sparta?


How did you become a citizen in Sparta?

Spartan Citizenship Male Spartans began military training at age seven. If a syntrophos did exceptionally well in training, he could be sponsored to become a Spartiate. Likewise, if a Spartan could not afford to pay the expenses associated with military training, they potentially could lose their right to citizenship.

Who has rights as a citizen in Sparta?

Summarizing the Rights of Citizens & Non Citizens of a foreigners you basically had no rights. If you were a Sparta citizens you had all rights that were granted like, the right to vote, the right to own helots, and the right to own property.

Who held the most power in Sparta?

Spartan king

Why did Spartans fear the messenians?

In Sparta, ephors are people who are responsible to run the government. The Spartans feared the Messenians because they feared they would have another revolt as helots.

Who could vote in ancient Sparta?

The citizens on the Apella voted orally on the issues. Although Spartan women could become citizens, they were not allowed to vote in the assembly. The large class of enslaved people, known as helots, that lived in Sparta were not considered citizens and could not participate in government….

What was life like in Sparta?

Spartan men devoted their lives to military service, and lived communally well into adulthood. A Spartan was taught that loyalty to the state came before everything else, including one’s family….

Why is Athens economy better than Sparta?

Key Question: How did Athenians get the goods they needed for everyday life? While the Athenian economy depended on trade, Sparta’s economy relied on farming and on conquering other people. Sparta didn’t have enough land to feed all its people, so Spartans took the land they needed from their neighbors.

How did Athens and Sparta develop differently?

Both Athens and Sparta had an assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. Spartan life was simple.