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Did Alexander the Great spread Hellenistic culture?

Did Alexander the Great spread Hellenistic culture?

Alexander spread Greek culture throughout the Persian Empire, including parts of Asia and Africa. Alexander created the Hellenistic Age, a time when Greek culture mixed with the various cultures of Alexander’s Empire. This was a time of advances in learning, math, art, and architecture.

What was one cultural achievement of Alexander the Great?

More importantly, Alexander’s conquests spread Greek culture, also known as Hellenism, across his empire. In fact, Alexander’s reign marked the beginning of a new era known as the Hellenistic Age because of the powerful influence that Greek culture had on other people.

What was Alexander the Great’s biggest achievement?

Alexander the Great stepped in and finished the work of his father. He conquered the Persian empire and extended his territory from the Atlantic Ocean to India. Undoubtedly, his greatest achievement was the spread of Hellenistic culture and ideas throughout the lands he conquered and added to his empire.

What was Alexander the Great’s most lasting achievement?

Alexander’s most lasting achievement is the spread of Greek culture as he strongly encourages a blending of western and eastern cultures. Philip II gains the throne of Macedonia in 359 B.C. Philip II’s ultimate goal as ruler of Macedonia is to conquer the Persian empire.

Why was Alexander the Great so influential?

“Perhaps the most significant legacy of Alexander was the range and extent of the proliferation of Greek culture,” said Abernethy. “The reign of Alexander the Great signaled the beginning of a new era in history known as the Hellenistic Age. Greek culture had a powerful influence on the areas Alexander conquered.”

Who was Alexander’s best general?


Was Alexander the Great’s tomb ever found?

In 1995, Alexander the Great’s tomb was announced to have been found, although claims have since persisted of new research and other successful efforts to this end. Souvaltzi told Greek media at the time that she had “no reservations about whether this is Alexander’s tomb”.

Is Cleopatra’s tomb missing?

“Her tomb will never be found.” Over the past 2 millennia, coastal erosion has meant that parts of Alexandria, including a section that holds Cleopatra’s palace, are now underwater.

Where is Nefertiti buried?

Royal Tomb of Akhenaten, Egypt