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Can you say an information?

Can you say an information?

In English the word “information” is an uncountable noun. You can never, ever, for any reason whatsoever, say “an information” or “informations”. But usually we simply use “information” for both singular and plural. This mistake arises because in some languages the word has both singular and plural forms.

Is some information correct?

You can say “information” or “some information,” but never “informations.” “Information” is what is sometimes called a “collective noun.” It is understood to be plural already, so we don’t add an -s. [This true in English.

What is information and examples of information?

The definition of information is news or knowledge received or given. An example of information is what’s given to someone who asks for background about something. Information is the summarization of data. Technically, data are raw facts and figures that are processed into information, such as summaries and totals.

What word means news or information?

report, announcement, story, account. item, news item, article, news flash, newscast, headlines, press release, communication, communiqué, bulletin. message, dispatch, statement, intelligence. disclosure, revelation, word, talk, notice, intimation, the latest, gossip, tittle-tattle, rumour, scandal, exposé

What’s another name for news?

What is another word for news?

information report
notice summary
talk update
communiqué data
enlightenment gen

How is News Defined?

1 : a report of recent events or unknown information I have good news! We won! 2 : information or recent events reported in a newspaper or magazine or on a broadcast. 3 : a broadcast of information on recent events We saw pictures of a flood on the evening news. 4 : an event that is interesting enough to be reported.

What type of word is news?


Can I say a news?

The word “news” in English is considered singular and uncountable. So we use the singular forms of verbs, like is and was: the news is on channel 5, the news was surprising. Don’t use are or were. But a more common mistake is saying “a news.” With uncountable nouns, we never use a or an.

Is a news Correct?

A news is a wrong expression to use; however, we can use quantifiers, i.e. words before the uncountable noun, like some news, a piece of news, important news piece, etc.

Why is it called the news?

Etymology. The English word “news” developed in the 14th century as a special use of the plural form of “new”. In Middle English, the equivalent word was newes, like the French nouvelles and the German Neues.