Can you put two lovebirds together?

Can you put two lovebirds together?

Lovebirds can be particular about their companions, but two female lovebirds can bond and become a pair — it frequently happens when two female birds are inadvertently housed together. Two male lovebirds can also bond. Meanwhile, even paired male and female lovebirds must get along as cage mates to breed.

How do you pair lovebirds?

Introduce the lovebird pair. When you know that each lovebird is healthy, introduce the pair. Take it slowly, as it could take a few days for the birds to get used to one another. Place the birds in cages next to one another before putting them in the same cage. Move the birds to the same cage after a couple of days.

How do you introduce a new bird?

When you’re ready for the birds to see each other, simply bring your new bird’s cage into the room. Offer both birds several tasty treats while they are in the same room together. After a few minutes, move the new bird’s cage back to the quarantine area, and repeat the process later.

Does My Bird Need a friend?

Some birds need the companionship of others, but birds such as the psitticine do fine as the only bird, as long as their humans pay enough attention to them. Parrots are flock animals, and their humans are their flock. The only exception to the rule is the Lovebird.

Do birds die when their mate dies?

The myth about birds dying of a broken heart after their mate dies is just that. So your bird can do quite nicely on her own until you can get her a mate again. She may be a bit lonely and puzzled, but animals lose their mates all the time and deal with the situation until they can find another one.

Can you have 3 budgies?

Three budgies in a cage will require significant room, more room than three individual cages. They will need enough room in the cage that all three of them can stretch their wings without touching, play, climb ladders, eat and perch without being bothered or touched by a cage mate.