Helpful tips

Can you park RV at Walmart?

Can you park RV at Walmart?

Can I park my RV at a Walmart store? While we do not offer electrical service or accommodations typically necessary for RV customers, Walmart values RV travelers and considers them among our best customers. Consequently, we do permit RV parking on our store parking lots as we are able.

Where are you allowed to park an RV overnight?

Here are the most common locations that will allow you to leave your RV parked there overnight: Walmart. Casinos. Truck stops.

Can you park an RV overnight at a truckstop?

Truck stops aren’t just for trucks, tractor trailers, and over-sized rigs anymore. RVs are parked overnight at truck stops across the country every day. If you make sure you observe the rules of truckers, you’ll be fine. Be courteous, park straight and be gone by mid-morning if you choose to park here.

Can you use Costco toilet paper in an RV?

Any issues with using the Costco brand toilet paper in a Class A? Yes, the rolls are so big we have trouble getting it on the holder. Other than that, no problem. Been using it for years along with Happy Campers.

Which is better Newmar or tiffin?

Newmar is maybe a little better in initial quality, but Tiffin is a bit better at post purchase/warranty customer support. Tiffin needs their post purchase support. Newmar builds it right the first time. Can’t beat Newmar they are #1 in every category IMHO.

What are the top 5 motorhomes?

Here are some of the best Class A diesel RVs:

  • 1.) Newmar Ventana 4369.
  • 2.) Tiffin Allegro Bus Motorhome.
  • 3.) Newmar Dutch Star 4369.
  • 4.) Tiffin Allegro Breeze 31 BR.
  • 5.) Winnebago Forza 34T.

Are Tiffin Motorhomes good quality?

Tiffin has a reputation for making high-quality RVs. The level of quality in the Tiffin Allegro really stood out and ultimately sold us on this model over cheaper RVs. The quality is what sold us on our purchase. We had been spending time in an RV with a similar floor plan from a different brand.