Helpful tips

Can you introduce a new gerbil to an old one?

Can you introduce a new gerbil to an old one?

Gerbils are very territorial, and will be aggressive towards other unfamiliar gerbils. Ideally, you should pick out two gerbils that are already living together, or that are between six and eight weeks old. This will result in a much smoother transition for them to live together in the new cage you will provide.

How do you introduce new gerbils to each other?

Place one gerbil on each side of the divider so that they can see but not touch each other. Several times a day alternate the side that each gerbil lives on so they get used to each others’ scent. 2 Continue swapping the gerbils from side to side for a minimum of 7 days (longer is even better).

Is it normal for gerbils to squeak?

The squeak is the noise that gerbils and other rodents are known for. This loud, high-pitched sound can be surprising if you aren’t expecting it. If you have more than one gerbil, they may squeak at each other, too. Gerbils squeak loudly when they’re being aggressive, and can be a precursor to a fight.

How do you stop gerbils from biting?

When your gerbil doesn’t want to loosen its bite you can try two methods to stop the biting:

  1. gently tap the nose of your gerbil: tap the nose of the gerbil with your finger.
  2. gently blowing in the face: blow a small puff of air in the direction of the face of your gerbil.

What happens if you get bit by a gerbil?

Exotic pet bites, such as from rats, mice, or gerbils, may carry illnesses, but rabies is not usually a concern. The bites from some pets, such as iguanas, are at risk for infection but do not carry other serious risks.

How often should you clean out a gerbil cage?

Cleaning your gerbil tank You should clean your gerbilarium every two to three weeks, or more often if it gets dirty. Because gerbils originate from desert and dry grassland areas, they do not produce much urine and waste, so it’s fairly easy to keep their environment clean and free from smells.

Do you bathe gerbils?

Instead of bathing gerbils in water as you would a human, gerbils need ‘sand baths’. Sand baths involve the gerbil rolling around in a small pot of sand, an activity which looks rather strange but actually gives the animal a chance to give its fur a good scrub and to free itself of dirt.