Helpful tips

Can you buy an ADT sign?

Can you buy an ADT sign?

You can order new ADT Security Services yard signs or window decals at under My Account > Order Equipment. Customers are limited to two yard signs and two decal sets per year for each location monitored by ADT. The yard signs and decals will arrive in approximately 7-10 business days.

What is the difference between ADT and ADT authorized dealer?

The dealer markets under the ADT name, so to the consumer, the ADT dealer looks pretty much like ADT. That’s right; you can get an ADT-branded system for less money from an Authorized Dealer than from ADT itself since ADT is “buying” the account—and the accounting rules are different when ADT does that.

Where is ADT based out of?

Boca Raton

How do I stop my ADT calls?

How do I stop mail from an ADT Authorized Provider or Dealer? You will need to contact the Authorized Dealer or Provider directly to be added to their Do Not Mail list by calling the telephone number on the advertisement you received.

What happens if I cancel my ADT service?

What happens when I cancel my ADT contract early? You’ll pay the applicable termination fees (75% of remaining monthly charges), and ADT will send you a prepaid box with instructions on how to return your ADT equipment.

Can I use ADT cameras without service?

If you have the ADT cloud based Pulse cameras (usable with the ADT Pulse app), then no, you will not be able to use the cameras to record video, or anything else for that matter. You also lose any service agreement you have, so if you have any problems with the cameras or DVR/NVR, ADT will not service them for you.

Does ADT run off wifi?

No. ADT’s wireless security door/window, fire/heat and carbon monoxide sensors use a different wireless protocol than Wi-Fi. If you have wireless video services, the wireless cameras and touchscreen use a separate private wireless network that will not interfere with your home Wi-Fi network.