Can I use a heavy duty extension cord with a space heater?

Can I use a heavy duty extension cord with a space heater?

Question: Can I use an extension cord with a space heater? Answer: No, you should not use an extension cord with your space heater. Most extension cords can not handle the high currents space heaters draw.

At what temperature does wire insulation melt?


Why does a wire heat up?

Due to the wires having electrical resistance, which means that they resist the motion of electrons, the electrons bump into atoms on the outside of the wire, and some of their kinetic energy is given to the atoms as thermal energy. This thermal energy causes the wire to heat up.

Why does an electric cable heat up when the supply is turned on?

This flow is caused by the electrons within the wire being pulled by electric field. As the electrons travel through the wire they collide with the atoms that make up the wire. Therefore as more electrons collide with atoms, the wire gains more kinetic energy and therefore its temperature increases.

Why does high current cause heat?

In metal conductors, electrical current flows due to the exchange of electrons between atoms. As electrons move through a metal conductor, some collide with atoms, other electrons or impurities. These collisions cause resistance and generate heat.

Does higher voltage mean more heat?

The simple answer to this question as stated is that high voltage heats the wires less because the voltage doesn’t heat the wires at all, regardless of how high or low it is. The voltage carried has zero heating effect.

Does higher current mean more heat?

A higher resistance produces more heat. The time, t for which current flows. The longer the time the larger the amount of heat produced.

Does temperature increase with voltage?

Why does voltage increase (for a constant current) if temperature increases? Voltage is directly proportional to resistant (V=IR) and resistance increases with temperature due to increased vibrations of the molecules inside the conductor. Therefore voltage increases as temperature increases.

Does high temperature cause short circuit?

The temperature coefficient for short-circuit current is shown in Fig. 10. Global Solar modules have a negative coefficient, which means when there is an increase in temperature, there is a reduction in the short-circuit current.

Why does a thermistor’s resistance decrease with temperature?

If you turn on the temperature, some electrons will start to occupy the conduction band and thus contribute to conduction, lowering the resistivity.

What happens when you increase the temperature of a thermistor?

When temperature increases, the resistance increases, and when temperature decreases, resistance decreases. This type of thermistor is generally used as a fuse.

How can I lower my heat bill in the winter?

11 Ways to Save on Your Heating Bill

  1. Seal up air leaks. Let’s do some detective work here.
  2. Program the thermostat.
  3. Let the light in.
  4. Shut doors in unused rooms.
  5. Wear warm clothing.
  6. Get cooking.
  7. Buy curtains and shades.
  8. Replace the filters.