Helpful tips

Can I text an audio file?

Can I text an audio file?

Text a Song Songs and audio files already saved to your phone are easy to text. On an Android, open the intended recipient in your text messages and select the “Plus” sign to add a file. Choose “Text” and select a recipient to send the song.

How can I record audio on my phone?

Most Android devices have a microphone at the bottom….Download a recorder app from the Google Play Store.

  1. Open the Google Play Store and search for “voice recorder.”
  2. Browse through the list of results to find an app that meets your needs.
  3. Tap the “Install” button once you’ve found an app that you want to try.

How do I record audio and email?

Often the simplest method is to:

  1. Open a new text message.
  2. Press the record button to record your voice.
  3. Send the audio text to your email account.
  4. The text will show up in your email account, along with a file of your recording. Save that file to your computer.

Can I use my phone as a recording device?

If you have an Android phone, there’s an audio recorder app built-in to your phone that’s easy to use and will capture decent quality sound. Here’s how to record audio using the built-in Recorder app on your Android phone.

How can I record professional music at home?

7 Secrets for Getting Pro-Sounding Vocals on Home Recordings

  1. Get in the zone. As obvious as it sounds, the first step to getting a good recording is to set the right ambience.
  2. Hack your bedroom.
  3. Position your mic and pop filter correctly.
  4. Get the right mic levels.
  5. Do several takes.
  6. Be careful with your vocal editing.
  7. Know when (and when not) to process your vocal sound.

How do I turn my room into a recording studio?

CHAPTER 4: How to Set Up Your Recording Room

  1. STEP 1: Choose the Best Room.
  2. STEP 2: Clear Out the Room.
  3. STEP 3: Add Acoustic Treatment.
  4. STEP 4: Arrange Your Workstation.
  5. STEP 5: Arrange Your Recording Stations.
  6. STEP 6: Connect Your Gear.
  7. STEP 7: Position Your Studio Monitors.

What software do professional recording studios use?

A digital audio workstation, or DAW, is an electronic device or piece of software that allows for recording, manipulating, and creating audio. Within the music realm, popular software DAWs include Ableton, Pro Tools, and Logic, which is what Oak Felder uses.

Is nuendo better than Cubase?

If you’re doing music only, Cubase is the one you want. If you are doing post work and working a ton with video, etc, go with Nuendo. It really is as simple as that. Both applications are completely pro.