Can I sell magazines on Ebay?

Can I sell magazines on Ebay?

Yes, apparently the eBay policy is open to interpretation. You can list 30+ round magazines for sale, but don’t list a forearm stock with the name of an assault rifle manufacturer, they will end the auction for policy compliance.

Do you need an FFL to sell gun accessories?

Because of this, a buyer must have a Federal Firearms License (FFL), and it can only be purchased from a licensed FFL dealer. Retail gun parts dealers are required to have FFLs and to verify those of their buyers….

Can you get gun parts shipped to your house?

So it’s perfectly legal to mail around barrels, slides, even complete AR upper receivers, but you can’t mail a complete gun (except to an FFL) and you can’t mail all the parts to make a complete gun. So there’s no loophole….

Can I order gun parts to my house?

The can buy parts kits, you can mill your own parts by hand, you can even build your own barrel, the law puts no restrictions on any of these with the exception of the firearm of receiver. Home made receivers need to have your own markings when you build them and cannot be sold.

Do you need an FFL to gunsmith?

To work as a gunsmith manufacturer or dealer, you need a federal firearms license, or FFL, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). This is the agency responsible for overseeing and issuing federal firearms licenses. A federal firearms license does not authorize you to carry a gun.

How hard is it to get a federal firearms license?

Getting your FFL license is easier than you think. In less than a couple of hours of work, four easy steps, and less than $200, you could become a legal weapons dealer or firearm manufacturer in the United States.

Are burst fire pistols legal?

Yes. Under US law and BATFE regulations a burst fire weapon is a machinegun. The National Firearms Act defines “machinegun” as “any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.” 26 U.S.C.