
Will frontline still work if my cat licks it?

Will frontline still work if my cat licks it?

Drooly Kitty Luckily, the main active ingredient in Frontline is fipronil, which is not lethal if ingested. The medication’s taste usually causes the most notable reaction, as the cat’s mouth waters to get rid of the foul flavor.

What happens if my cat licks frontline?

Frontline (Merial): “If licking occurs, a brief period of hypersalivation may be observed due mainly to the nature of the carrier.” Advantage and Advantage Multi (Bayer): “Oral ingestion by cats may result in hypersalivation, tremors, vomiting, and decreased appetite.”

Can Frontline make a cat sick?

Side effects may include signs of skin irritation such as redness, scratching, or other signs of discomfort. Gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting or diarrhea have also been reported. If these or other side effects occur, consult your veterinarian or call 1- M-F 8am-8pm EST.

What flea medicine is bad for cats?

Do Not Put Dog Flea Control Products on Your Cat This is rarely a good idea for any product, but it’s especially dangerous when those products contain pyrethrin, permethrin, or another pyrethroid. The amount of pyrethrin/pyrethroid “active ingredients” in the products made for dogs is far too much for cats to handle.

How long does it take for Frontline Plus to dry on cats?

48 hours

Can cats have an allergic reaction to flea medicine?

Advantage flea medication is commonly used to rid cats of fleas and is considered safe. However, some cats develop an allergy to the medication, and if this occurs, it is important to contact your veterinarian.

How often can I give my cat frontline?

FRONTLINE Spot On is water resistant and will remain effective even if your pet gets wet. If your pet goes swimming or is bathed more than once a week, we recommend you apply FRONTLINE Spot On every four weeks.

Is Frontline Plus better than frontline?

Frontline Plus is an improvement over Frontline; it has an additional active ingredient called methoprene, which kills the eggs and larvae of fleas and ticks. With methoprene, Frontline Plus kills not only the adult but also the young fleas and ticks. Frontline kills only adult fleas and ticks.

Does Frontline Plus Really Work?

Frontline Plus is the most effective, fast-acting, and easy-to-use medication available to kill ticks and fleas in dogs and cats. Frontline Plus can get rid of all fleas within 12 hours along with all lice and ticks within 48 hours.

Why does Frontline Plus not work anymore?

Although Frontline Plus may kill 100 percent of the fleas immediately after you put it on your dog, its effectiveness will diminish throughout the month. If the fleas in your dog’s environment are really bad, a few fleas may slip through, especially toward the end of the month.

Are fleas becoming resistant to frontline?

Frontline products (Frontline Plus, Frontline Gold) and the K9 Advantix line are two of the better-known brands of topical flea preventatives that are reported to be losing effectiveness. These products have been in use long enough that fleas have adapted and become resistant to them.

Can I use Frontline Plus for dogs on cats?

Yes, FRONTLINE Plus / FRONTLINE Spot On can be used on any breed of cat and dog, including collies and other herding-breed dogs which can sometimes show a sensitivity to some parasite treatments.