Why would Amazon close my account?

Why would Amazon close my account?

“To protect that trust, we take a number of actions, including closing accounts that have violated our policies. If a customer has a question about their account, we recommend they contact customer service so we can investigate and take appropriate action.” But some users feel like Amazon still has not done enough.

How do I remove my email from Amazon?

Under the “Tell us more about your issue” section, select “Account Settings” in the first box and “Close My Account” in the second box. You’ll have to talk to Amazon’s customer support staff about this. Under the “How would you like to contact us?” section, choose either “Email”, “Phone”, or “Chat”.

Can I have two Amazon buyer accounts with different emails?

Again, good news for you buyers out there! Since Amazon idolizes its customers, they are allowed to have multiple buyers accounts, and what’s more, they can even log into their Amazon accounts on the same computer, with the same IP address!

How does Amazon know if you have multiple accounts?

“But it is a practise fraught with danger. Amazon traces accounts through a multitude of ways, from your IP address to browsers and browser plug-ins, computer operating systems and cookies. They keep track of under names, email addresses and passwords, and any false steps can trigger their sophisticated systems.

Does Amazon track your IP address?

Amazon tracks your IP address and cookies, and keeps them in a database. If you log into a new seller account on the same IP address or computer as suspended accounts, or access more than one seller account on one IP or computer, it is more likely that you will get suspended.

Can I reopen a closed Amazon account?

After 90 days, you can’t reopen your account or use AWS services with that account. Any content remaining in your account will be deleted. However, service attributes might be retained as long as necessary for billing and administration purposes.

What happens if I delete my Amazon account?

By deleting your account: You’ll lose access to all your Amazon accounts, including Audible.com and accounts on different country domains (like amazon.co.uk and amazon.de). You’ll lose access to digital content linked to your account, like Kindle ebooks, digital music, Amazon apps, and Prime videos.

Will Amazon close my account for too many returns?

Some people have been barred from the online retailer for making too many returns. Last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that some Amazon members had their accounts disabled for making too many returns, sometimes, they claimed, without any prior warning.

What happens when your Amazon account is closed?

Once your account is closed, it is no longer accessible by you or anyone else; you won’t be able to access your order history or print a proof of purchase or an invoice.

Does Amazon lock your account?

Since Amazon is trying to prevent people from reselling their gift cards, overusing them could lock your account, especially when your account is new. If you have just created your PRIME account and you go and purchase a Gift Card – Congratulations you have your account locked.

Do Amazon accounts expire?

Amazon.com: Customer Questions & Answers. do they delete your account if its inactive for to long or can you pay for a month each time you want to play? No, they do not delete it. The account will go dormant but exist indefinitely.

Why did Amazon remove my reviews?

Amazon removed 20,000 product reviews following revelations that some sellers offer free products in exchange for positive ratings.

How do I change my email address on my Amazon account?

To do these follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Your Account.
  2. Sign in with your e-mail and password.
  3. Under the settings heading, click Change your name, address, e-mail, or password.
  4. On the next page click edit next to the data you want to modify.

Can I create a new Amazon account with the same email?

If you want to create a new account using an email address already associated with an existing Amazon account, be sure that you can access that email. We’ll send the verification email to this address. To verify your email address when creating a new account: Select the link in the verification email.

How do I change my Amazon account to English?

You can choose your preferred language on some Amazon sites….To change your language preference:

  1. Go to Language Settings.
  2. Select your preferred language.
  3. Save your changes.

How do I change my Amazon account?

Use Switch Accounts

  1. In the Account & Lists menu, select Switch Accounts.
  2. To add a new Amazon account to the browser, select Add account. Enter your account credentials and select Save.
  3. To switch between accounts, select the account you want from the Switch Accounts page.

How can I see who is using my Amazon account?

From the Settings menu, select “Registered Devices” to see all of the computers, phones, smart TVs, and other devices that are signed in to your Amazon account. Similar to the online website, you will be able to see all of the registered devices as well as be able to unregister them.

Does changing your Amazon password log everyone out?

Simply changing your password will log you out from all non-Kindle devices. For Kindle devices, one method is to deregister the device . These methods are often used when a device is stolen or lost. What do I do when someone is using my Amazon Prime account without my permission?

How do I know who is using my Amazon Prime?

Go to Amazon Video Settings by clicking here. Select “Registered Devices.” (If you weren’t already taken directly there.)…Checking your account

  1. Go to your account by clicking here.
  2. Select “Login and Securiety”
  3. Click “Edit” next to the password option,.
  4. Enter which password you would like to use.
  5. Select “Save Changes.”

Has Amazon been hacked?

Amazon accounts haven’t been hacked.