
Why was Suomi banned?

Why was Suomi banned?

No. On 1 April 2013, Suomi posted a video on YouTube claiming that he was banned from RuneScape. It was confirmed by Mod Rocket that this was an April Fool’s Joke. After the release of Divination, he indicated he would not attempt to achieve 200 million Divination experience.

Who is Lynx Titan Osrs?

Lynx Titan (known as Forsberg888 on RuneScape 3) is an Old School RuneScape player whose account is permanently rank #1 on the Old School RuneScape Hiscores, unless a new skill were to be released. It is estimated he plays for 17-18 hours a day.

Who is Le me RuneScape?

le me is a RuneScape player best known for being the first person to reach 200M Invention experience, and being ranked first on the overall RuneScape hiscores.

Who was the first RuneScape player?


How do I appear offline on RS3?

You’ll have to sign in normally and turn private chat to off. Then you will appear offline until you turn it back on. But if you had private chat on the last time you were online then there is no way to sign in without it on.

How do you hide chat in RuneScape?

In hide mode, your chat words will appear above your head as usual. Right-click “Private” on the chat controls and select “On Private” to allow all private messages, “Friends Private” to allow private messages from only those on your friends list or “Off Private” to not allow any private messages.

How do I make a clan in rs3?

Creating a clan To start a clan, players can talk to the Scribe, and ask him about starting a clan. After some dialogue, he gives the player a clan charter, which must be used on 4 different players (not including the player themselves).

How do you join a clan chat?

Visited clan chat button in the bottom-right corner of the clan chat interface, and finally clicking ‘Join/leave another clan’s clan chat’ in the bottom-left corner of the interface.

How do I leave a clan in rs3?

To leave your clan, you need to open up the clan chat tab, shown the following image. The button on the bottom that looks like a yellow rectangle with a red arrow is the option to leave your clan. If you don’t see that row of icons at the bottom of your tab, there should be a button there with the option to expand it.

How do I join a CC in Osrs?

button in the clan chat interface (accessed by pressing F7). NOTE: after an update on 14 May 2018, free-to-play accounts with a total level lower than 150 are unable to join clan chats. The name of the player hosting the channel must be entered in the message box.

What is the fastest way to level up smithing in RuneScape?

The fastest method is to complete the quest The Knight’s Sword. Then train to level 30 by smithing iron 2h swords. For efficiency’s sake, you might want to consider using rings of forging, which give you a 100% iron smelting rate for 140 ores.

How do you speed up smithing in RuneScape?

To get boosts to smithing speed or success rate, you can wear: Varrock armour (increased speed, for bars does just affect the Edgeville furnace) Ring of forging (100% iron bar smelting)…To get bonus experience, you can wear:

  1. Blacksmith’s outfit.
  2. Goldsmithing gauntlets (gold bar smelting only)
  3. Brawling gloves (Smithing)

Where can I smelt in lumbridge?

Free-to-play This furnace is located north of Lumbridge Castle. The closest is the bank chest at the Combat academy (20 squares) or the second floor of Lumbridge Castle (85 squares). It also has a smithing anvil by it.

How do you make bronze bars in Runescape 3?

A bronze bar is a bar of refined bronze. It can be created through the Smithing skill at level 1 by using a copper ore and a tin ore on a furnace, granting 6.2 Smithing experience. A bronze bar can be smithed on an anvil through the Smithing skill to create bronze weapons and armour.