Why was Matilda happy?

Why was Matilda happy?

Matilda was always unhappy in her early married life because she was born in a family of clerks which seemed to be an error of destiny. She had high aspirations. She felt grieved at her miserable condition. She thought that she was born for all delicacies and luxuries of the world.

Why did Matilda not like her rich friend?

Answer. Answer: Matilda was not satisfied with what her life had to offer and was ashamed of her status. As she was humiliated by her lower-middle-class existence, she, generally, avoided meeting her rich friends like Mme Forestier, a wealthy lady, whom she knew from her days at the convent school.

Why did Matilda throw spitefully Class 10?

Why did Matilda throw the invitation spitefully? Answer: Matilda was simply displeased when her husband showed the invitation. She felt humiliated and threw the invitation spitefully as she had nothing beautiful enough to wear to such a grand gathering.

What made Matilda sad and miserable?

Answer: Matilda Loisel became very sad when they realised that the necklace had been lost. They were sure that the loss of necklace would make their life hell because Mr Loisel was only a petty clerk and it was very difficult for him to replace necklace of diamond. Why did Matilda not like to visit her rich friend?

Why is the girl unhappy in the necklace?

She is upset because she does not have anything appropriate to wear. She is upset because she does not know how to act at a ball. She is excited because she always wanted to go to a ball.

Why was Matilda depressed?

Answer. Matilda was sad after the ball because she had lost the diamond necklace she had borrowed from her friend. She was worried about returning it as she could not afford such an expensive jewelry.

Was Monsieur Loisel a good husband to Matilda?

Explanation: Monsieur Loisel – Mathilde’s husband. Monsieur Loisel is content with the small pleasures of his life but does his best to appease Mathilde’s demands and assuage her complaints. He loves Mathilde immensely but does not truly understand her, and he seems to underestimate the depth of her unhappiness.

What would have happened if she had not lost that necklace?

If Mathilde Loisel had not lost the necklace in “The Necklace,” she would have continued to think of herself as a victim of fate, and the “heroism” elicited from her character by the need to pay for the replacement necklace would never have developed.

How did Mathilde change in the necklace?

In the end, Madame Loisel did not only change mentally, she also changed physically (from the demanding work she had to do). Therefore, Madame Loisel changes dramatically over the course of the story. She no longer expects the life of the rich. She realizes that she did have a good life when looking back.

How did Mathilde’s life change after she lost the necklace?

Mathilde’s life took a change for the worst after the loss of the necklace. Namely, because instead of swallowing her pride, owning to this fact and confess to her friend, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Madame Loisel came to know the ghastly life of abject poverty.

What is the message of the story the necklace?

The theme of the short story, “The Necklace” is to be happy with who you are and what you have. Madame Loisel lived in the middle class society but longed to be a member of high society. She wanted to live above her means and would do whatever it took to get there.

What changes occurred in Matilda’s life after 10 years?

Over the ten years, Madame Loisel realized what it meant to be truly poor. Her mindset regarding poverty and what it meant to work changed. She, too, was required to work. In the end, Madame Loisel did not only change mentally, she also changed physically (from the demanding work she had to do).

What changes had Matilda undergone after she and her husband had repaid the entire loan?

After the repayment of the loan by Matilda and her husband Mr. Loisel. Matilda had become strong hard woman, the cruel woman of the poor household. Her hair badly dressed, her skirts awry, Her hands read and she now spoke in a loud tone.

How was Matilda’s life before losing the necklace?

Mathilde Loisel’s life before the ball was humble but comfortable. She “dressed plainly because she could not dress well,” but she was not wanting, even employing a servant and owning a dress in which she could go to the theatre on occasion. After the ball, Mathilde’s life became a nightmare.

Why did Loisel save 400 francs?

Why had M. Loisel been saving 400 francs? He wanted to buy himself a hunting rifle. She is Mme Loisel’s wealthy friend from school.

What could have happened to Matilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost the necklace?

Answer: If Matilda would have confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace, she might have been in lesser trouble than what she faced after having replaced the necklace. Her friend would definitely have been angry with her. Matilda would thus have known that the jewels in the necklace were not real diamonds.

How does the Loisels life change after they lost the necklace?

Why did Matilda change her life after the ball?

Why did Matilda change her lifestyle after the ball? Ans: Matilda borrowed a necklace from her friend for the ball, but she lost it after it. She and her husband had to struggle hard to repay the debt taken to buy a new necklace.

How much did Loisels spend on the necklace replacement?

After a week, Monsieur Loisel says they have to see about replacing it. They visit many jewelers, searching for a similar necklace, and finally find one. It costs 40,000 francs, although the jeweler says he will give it to them for 36,000.

How did Mrs Loisel feel in the ball?

In short, Madame Loisel, who was vain and desperate to appear rich at the ball, lost her life of relative luxury and her looks; she became loud and coarse. Even her old friend Mrs. Forestier was shocked by her appearance when they met on the street.