
Why might a juror be exempted from jury service?

Why might a juror be exempted from jury service?

Reasons for being excused jury service would cause undue hardship or serious inconvenience to you, your family or the public. you have a disability that makes you unsuitable or incapable of effectively serving as a juror, without reasonable accommodation.

Will a doctors note excuse me from jury duty?

In order to be excused for medical reasons, any individuals summoned for jury duty need to provide the court written evidence from a licensed medical doctor that they cannot meet these required qualifications. Sometimes a doctor’s note verifies that the patient “is being treated” for a particular condition.

What medical conditions are exempt from jury duty?

What you need

  • you’re in an advanced state of pregnancy and/or having medical difficulties with your pregnancy.
  • you have a mental or physical impairment/condition.
  • you have a disability that makes you unsuitable or incapable of serving as a juror, without reasonable accommodation.

What questions do lawyers ask during jury selection?

Example Questions the Lawyers May Ask

  • Have you or any member of your family, or a close friend, ever made a claim for personal injuries?
  • Have you or any member of your family, or a close friend, ever been a party in a legal proceeding?
  • Do you believe there are too many lawsuits?

Are challenges for cause limited?

Unlike a peremptory challenge (the number of which are limited by the court during voir dire, and unless a Batson challenge is raised the challenge is automatically granted) there is no limit to the number of strikes for cause that attorneys on either side of a case can be granted.

What is a peremptory challenge in jury selection?

A peremptory challenge results in the exclusion of a potential juror without the need for any reason or explanation – unless the opposing party presents a prima facie argument that this challenge was used to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, or sex.

How long will a juror have to serve if called?

two weeks