Why is my gecko sneezing?

Why is my gecko sneezing?

They’ll sneeze when they have debris in their nostrils, mouth, or when they have a respiratory infection. Just like a lot of things leopard geckos do, most of their actions and behaviors are usually nothing to worry about.

What happens if a crested gecko gets too cold?

Crested geckos can have stress from the heat and can even get a heat stroke if the temperature reaches temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius).

Should crested geckos feel cold?

Cool to the touch is normal, I’d only get concerned if they were very cold and not moving at all (almost dead like). Normal winter temps can be between 63-68 and summer temps 70-80. If kept at room temp and you are comfortable then you little one should also be confortable at that temp.

Does crested gecko need heat lamp?

Temperature and Lighting: Temperature during the day should be kept around 75-80° F. Night temperature should be between 68-75° F. Radiant heat is recommended, and you can provide low wattage heat lamp if needed. Crested Geckos need 10-12 hours of fluorescent light to provide a day/night cycle.

Do crested geckos like being held?

Handling your gecko Just like dogs crested geckos like being held and enjoy companionship. If your gecko has it’s tail be careful not to grab it because it will fall off and will never grow back!

Can you overfeed a crested gecko?

Crickets should be fed a couple times a week and do not overfeed with crickets, extra crickets in the cage can stress the gecko out. When using supplements such as waxworms, or Calciworms® Leopard Geckos should be fed 3 to 5 worms 3 times a week.

How long does crested gecko food last?

There are a variety of factors such as how often you feed the gecko and the age or size of the gecko. An 8 ounce bag will typically last a single adult crested gecko 45 to 60 day and 2 ounce bag should last approximately 15 to 35 days.

How much Pangea should I feed my crested gecko?

Generally we recommend feeding the Pangea Fruit Mix Complete Gecko Diets 3-4 days per week and live insects 1-2 days per week.

How do I get my crested gecko to eat Pangea?

Crested Gecko diets come in multiple flavors and formulas (we prefer Repashy and Pangea brands), and you may find a gecko with a specific preference. You may also use 100% papaya powder to entice them into eating. Papaya has a good Ca:P. ratio so use this instead of mashing banana or other high-phosphorus fruits.

How do I know if my crested gecko is stressed?

Crested gecko stress signs

  1. Jumping suddenly and running away from you.
  2. Hiding.
  3. Trying to bite when you approach or try to handle.
  4. Being aggressive – jumping at the glass.
  5. Chirping, squeaking, growling.
  6. Fast and heavy breathing.
  7. Being lethargic and looking sick.
  8. Burying itself in substrate.

What time should I feed my crested gecko?

Things to remember when feeding your crested gecko: Fresh, clean, chlorine-free water should be available at all times. Feed commercial food every night and remove uneaten food in the morning. Insects should be given at night, 2 to 3 times weekly; remove uneaten insects in the morning.