
Why does my TI 84 says dim mismatch?

Why does my TI 84 says dim mismatch?

The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph. The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are trying to graph a function that does not involve the stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff.

How do I fix domain error on TI 84?

How to Fix Domain Error on the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Graphing Calculator

  1. Turn on your TI-84 by pressing the “On” button.
  2. Type your formula or equation and press “Enter.” If you get an error message, scroll to “1:Quit” and press “Enter.”
  3. Press “2nd” and “Quit” or “Clear” as an alternative.
  4. Correct the error.

Should I use RAD or DEG?

If there is a degree symbol, ∘, then use degree mode. If there is no degree symbol, then use radian mode. Even if there is no π in the number. Sin 60 ° degree mode because there is a degree symbol.

What is MU and GT in calculator?

GT First press displays the grand total memory. Second press clears the grand total memory. MU Performs mark-up calculations. M+ Adds the displayed value to the memory. M– Subtracts the displayed value from the memory.

What does K mean on my calculator?

The K, constant, is a time-saving function that allows a single key stroke to perform a single operation and number on the displayed number. For example, if 20 numbers are to be multiplied by -17.35, the K key can be used.

What does GT on my calculator mean?

grand total

What is the use of mu?

MU means ‘mark up’. Say figure X has been reduced by 20% to 100 and you want to discover the value of X (for example, you are paid £100 net after 20% tax has been deducted and you want to know your gross earnings). On a Casio calculator enter: [100] then [MU button] then [20] then [% button].

What does MU mean in love?

Mutual Understanding

Why did Wonhyo drink water from a skull?

One night, while seeking shelter in a cave, Wonhyo drank water in the dark to quench his thirst, from a gourd placed next to him. In the morning he wakes to find that the water was from the skull of a corpse, which leads him to enlightenment, and he returns to Silla, abandoning his plans.