Why did Locke kill Naomi?

Why did Locke kill Naomi?

He killed Naomi because he didn’t want anyone to leave. Locke killed Naomi for the same reason he blew up the submarine – to protect the island from outside contact. It had nothing to do with who Naomi was, it had everything to do with the fact that she represented a new means of going to and from the island.

Does Sayid die in Lost?

Sayid dies midway through season six saving his friends from a bomb, and Sun and Jin die later in the same episode, drowning together in a sinking submarine. And Jack dies at the end of the series finale, after being stabbed by the Man in Black.

Is Jacob good or bad in Lost?

Jacob is the “Dark” one – the bad guy, and his nemesis is the good guy. From the start we were made to believe that Jacob is the good guy, however, in Season 5, the last episode, Jacob is the one who brings all people who “fight” and “corrupt” to the Island, while his Nemesis disagrees to this.

What episode does Boone die on Lost?

Do No Harm

Did Charlie have to die on Lost?

Charlie didn’t necessarily have to die (meaning he could have survived and Claire still might be rescued), but his death was the result of a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, because Charlie was working under this assumption and believed that he had to die in order to save Claire, he chose not to swim out of the room.

Did Jin Sayid and Bernard die?

Hurley calls over the radio to tell the Others, “We got you bastards. And if you don’t want to get blown up, stay away from our beach.” Jack answers and Hurley tells him, and everyone, that Sayid, Jin and Bernard are all alive. They rejoice for a moment and then continue the trek to the radio tower.

Did Jack on Lost have a son?

David is not Jack’s son David is not real, but a character that is created by Jack’s subconscious to fulfill an unspoken desire or need. Since Jack himself never got a chance to be a father in real life, David pretended to be his son in the flash sideways, and thereby let Jack understand his own father.

Does Jin and Sun have a baby?

On the Island, the couple isolated themselves until Sun revealed that she spoke English, shocking her husband. He shunned her, but they later reconciled. Despite Jin’s infertility, Sun conceived Jin’s baby on the Island, which strengthened their marriage but threatened Sun’s health.

Why did Sun not go back to 1977?

Sun didn’t travel back in time because she was originally not supposed to be on Oceanic 815, and thus not supposed to be on the island in the first place. The island made sure she got pregnant so as to force her off the island so she would not travel back to 1977.

What episode does Sayid die?

In the premiere of Season 6, “LA X”, in the timeline that follows the survivors on the island, Sayid is taken to the Temple. Hurley and some of the other survivors also go to the Temple in order to heal him, which at the time is unsuccessful. Although his death is confirmed, Sayid unexpectedly gets up from the ground.

Did Kate and Sawyer end up together?

After three years, Kate returns and Sawyer’s old feelings seem to resurface once again. However, Kate declares her love for Jack and they reunite in the finale. Despite the hints of Sawyer having feelings for Kate, Sawyer’s true love is Juliet and he reunites with her in the end.

Does Kate have a baby in Lost?

She raised Aaron Littleton as her son, but she finally decided to return to the Island to rescue his mother, Claire.

Do Jack and Kate ever sleep together?

The night before they’re set to leave on Ajira Airways Flight 316, Jack and Kate sleep together at Jack’s apartment, after Kate asserts that she’s also going back to the island, and makes Jack promise never again to ask where Aaron went. She tells him she doesn’t like the “new” Jack, and that she liked the “old” Jack.

Who took Claire’s baby in Lost?

Back in season four, Claire was taken away mysteriously by her dead(?) father, Christian, leaving her son Aaron behind, who was taken off the island by Kate as one of the Oceanic Six. Later, Locke (the real Locke… I think) met Christian and Claire inside Jacob’s cabin, but something was certainly off about her.