Why did Gandalf choose Bilbo?

Why did Gandalf choose Bilbo?

Gandalf picks Bilbo because he thinks that going on an adventure will release the Took side of Bilbo and be good for him in the end. You bring up a good point about the nature of Hobbits. Gandalf, from his experience, saw that hobbits lacked the greed of Dwarves and Men and the arrogance of Elves.

What is the relationship between Bilbo and Gandalf?

Bilbo met Gandalf when he was a child. They remained good friends throughout the years, even when Gandalf returned to the Shire from time to time, friends through Bilbo’s mother.

How does Gandalf feel about Bilbo?

Gandalf ‘felt’ that he was bolder than the other hobbits and he decided to have Bilbo join Thorin and his company. Gandalf (and many others) regarded Bilbo and Frodo as the best hobbits in whole Middle-earth. Gandalf never explicitly said why he had chosen poor Bilbo to join him and the dwarves in their expedition.

Why did Gandalf let Bilbo keep the ring?

Gandalf did not realise that it was the ONE RING he just thought it was a ring of power. Speaking only in regards to the book, he let him keep it because he didn’t know, or only had a nagging suspicion, that the ring Bilbo had was Sauron’s.

Who would win Gandalf or Sauron?

Having said that, Gandalf wins in the end. He outmanuevers Sauron (using the Chess analogy) and checkmates old Sauron just as Sauron thinks the game is won. If they were to go at it, one on one, mano e mano (so to speak) I think Sauron would win…

Is Sauron stronger than Gandalf?

‘ to contest the power of Sauron, if he should arise again, and to move Elves and Men and all living things of good will to valiant deeds. In summary, then, Sauron was portrayed as stronger than Gandalf because he, like some other beings, apparently was indeed stronger, and Gandalf seems to have recognized that fact.

Why was Gandalf afraid of Sauron?

In the account of the meeting of Valar and Maiar to decide what Maiar would go to combat Sauron’s evil, Gandalf confessed to being afraid of Sauron. He was fearful, knowing that Sauron was not only greater than he was, but also that he himself wasn’t allowed directly to use what power he had.