
Why can I not trade in TF2?

Why can I not trade in TF2?

You can not trade if your Steam account has been restricted and/or you have been trade banned on Steam. As of December 9th, 2015, the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator is required to be enabled for at least 7 days in order complete a trade without being held for 15 days.

Is STN trading safe?

Yes. STN.tf or stntrading.eu is a legit trading site. It has been running for 5 years as of writing this, and getting scammed by this site is unlikely, since there’s always* items on both sides. Like any other Steam-related site, this one is also targeted by scammers.

What is ref in TF2?

ref = refined metal. rec = reclaimed metal. scrap = scrap metal. So with that said, 1.33 = 1 refined and 1 reclaimed.

Where can I trade in TF2?

Popular TF2 trading sites include:

  • TF2 Outpost.
  • TF2 Trading Post.
  • Trade.TF.
  • Scrap.TF.
  • tf2trade subreddit.

How do I sell my TF2 items for money?

Follow these easy steps to understand how to sell TF2 items:

  1. Sign in using a Steam account;
  2. Enter your trade URL;
  3. Choose the skins you want to sell. Team Fortress 2 item prices are formed automatically by our service;
  4. Choose the payment method that suits you best, and fire away.

Can you paint a strange weapon?

If you got a Strange (or Unusual) War Paint, it will create a brand new Strange (or Unusual) weapon with that skin. Your old weapons cannot be painted using the War Paint.

Can you Festivize a strange weapon?

Stock strange weapons can’t be festivized but strange skinned weapons can.

Can you Strangify war painted weapons?

Yes, but only on the Air Strike.

How do you get war paint in tf2?

War Paint was made available in the Jungle Inferno Update. War Paint is an item type that was added in the Jungle Inferno Update to replace campaign weapon drops and weapon cases, and was first showcased on ​Day 2 of the update.

What does a Festivizer do?

The Festivizer is a single-use tool that allows the user to Festivize either a decorated weapon or a select few other weapons. They could only be found alongside uncrated items when unboxing either a Smissmas 2015 Festive Gift, Pyroland or Warbird weapon case.

How do I get an Australium weapon?

Australium weapons can be obtained after a tour of two cities, mecha engineer.

How do you make a weapon strange in tf2?

Methods of obtaining Strange items include:

  1. Unlocking a Mann Co. Supply Crate containing the item,
  2. Using a Strangifier on an item,
  3. Purchasing the items from the Steam Community Market,
  4. Earning Botkiller weapons or Australium weapons from Mann Up mode,
  5. Trading with other players for them.

Can you remove strange parts in TF2?

Strange Parts can be individually removed from a weapon using the Restore button in the backpack, allowing the player to remove a strange part of their choosing; however, a part which has been removed will not be returned to the player, and instead will be permanently lost.

Do strange wrenches count Sentry kills?

The Strange wrench tracks both Kills with wrench and Sentry Kills. But, the item itself is only effected by Kills with the weapon, and the Sentry Kills are just tracked underneath it, much like Stange mediguns (not Kritzkreig) with their UberCharge being the main counter, and assists being the secondary counter.

Can you transfer strange kills TF2?

Strange part scores are only transferred and zeroed if a matching strange part is found. Can only be used between strange items of the same base type. The Strange Count Transfer Tool is an item which allows the user to transfer stat counts between two Strange-quality items of the same base type.

How do you get a kill counter in tf2?

It can be obtained through Trade-Ups via the Civilian Stat Clock “mail-in” option. When applied, it adds a Stat Clock Module to the weapon, allowing it to track kills like any Strange quality weapon.

What is a strange tf2?

Strange quality is an item quality found on weapons obtained from unlocking Mann Co. Introduced in the Über Update on June 23, 2011 Patch, Strange weapons track kills and record them as an item attribute, allowing the count to be viewed by players.

What is the highest rank in TF2?


What is the most expensive unusual in TF2?

Here is a list of top TF2 items, which are unique and expensive:

  • Unusual Burning Team Captain – $6,695.
  • Collector’s Dead of Night – $2,450.
  • Strange Golden Frying Pan – $2,200.
  • Collector’s Killer Exclusive – $1800.
  • Strange Australium Medi Gun – $65-$103.
  • Non-Craftable Earbuds – $686.
  • Normal Black Rose – $1,465.

What does Killstreak mean in TF2?

Killstreak Kits are tool items that can be applied to a specific weapon, upgrading it into a Killstreak weapon. When a Killstreak weapon is equipped, a kill counter appears in the player’s HUD, tracking the number of kills made with any Killstreak weapon equipped and resetting upon death.

Can you put Killstreak kits on Skins?

Buy and sell hats, keys, unusuals, stranges, skins, and more. Killstreak kits can be used on strange weapons, and you can use the same killstreak kit as a regular, normal weapon would use.