
Why are my YouTube comments not showing?

Why are my YouTube comments not showing?

it probably means you are signed as a spammer, it happens if you comment too fast too many videos, or if you just copy/paste your comment, or if in your comment you put no good links. Your message is shown in a “probably spam list” to the owner of the channel, wich can choose to publish or not your comment.

Are YouTube Comments not working?

If signing in didn’t work, or if you’re already signed in, the most basic thing to do is reloading the website. A lot of times random connection or caching issues can cause problems with websites. If something like that is the reason that YouTube comments are not loading for you, reloading should fix it.

How do I fix my YouTube comments?

Change comment settings on a video

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left menu, select Content.
  3. Click a video’s thumbnail.
  4. Select the More options tab.
  5. Under “Comments and ratings”, choose your comment settings.
  6. Select Save.

Why are YouTube comments turned off 2020 music?

why are they turned off? Thanks for the follow up – auto-generated music videos, or art tracks, only have still images, and their comments can’t be moderated. That’s why we’ve decided to disable this type of engagement on these contents. Hope this helps clarify.

Are YouTube comments moderated?

YouTube allows you to add comment moderators to your channel. You can add moderators to your YouTube channel through the Community tab. Next click on the Community Settings tab. YouTube comment moderators can flag potentially problematic comments for your review.

What happened YouTube comments?

In the test, the comments have been removed from this bottom section of the page entirely. Instead, they’ve been relocated to a new section that users can only view after clicking a button. The new Comments button is found between the Thumbs Down and Share buttons, right below the video.

How do I enable comments on YouTube android?

How to Enable or Disable YouTube Comments on a Mobile Device

  1. Tap the menu in the top left-hand corner and go to ‘Videos’
  2. Find the video you want to amend and tap into it.
  3. Then tap the pencil icon at the top and then swipe over to the ‘Advanced Settings’ tab.
  4. Swipe down until you see the comments option, which allows you to toggle on or off comments for this video on your channel.

How do I view YouTube comments on my smart TV?

On Android, you can find the comments section under the name of the content creator, just below the actual video. On iOS, the comments section can be found under the related videos below the main video screen. Note that the comments section only appears when viewing videos in Portrait mode.

Why is YouTube not working on my smart TV?

General troubleshooting Close the YouTube app, then re-open it and try again. Close other apps that may be running, such as Netflix® streaming series. Make sure your TV is connected to the internet. For internet connection issues, perform network diagnosis on your TV.

How do I access YouTube comments?

You can view public comments you’ve left across YouTube.

  1. Go to Comment History.
  2. To go to the original place you posted your comment, click or tap the content.

How do I view YouTube comments on my TV?

For Android, scroll down on the right side of your screen (where the suggestions feed is) and you will eventually find the comments. For iOS, scroll down on the lest side of the screen (where the video details are) and you will find the comment section.

Why do YouTube comments move?

The company shared on their support page writing, “We want to make it easier for people watching videos to find comments in the YouTube app without having to scroll through ‘Up Next’ videos, so we’re testing out a new comment section that appears directly below the video.

Can you see all the comments someone has made on YouTube?

Click “History” at the top or scroll over the username at the top and click “Account.” The Account section has a comprehensive list of features. Click “History” and visit each video to find comments. Use the Video Comments feature in the Account section to find personal comments that have received a reply.

How do I enable disabled apps?


  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap Apps. Some phones may have it listed as Apps & Notifications.
  3. Tap See all ## apps.
  4. Tap the app you want to enable or disable.
  5. Tap Enable or Disable, depending.

How do I unblock comments on YouTube?

Unblock a commenter

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left menu, select Settings. Community.
  3. Select Remove next to the commenter that you’d like to allow to comment.

Do comments help on YouTube?

YouTube comments allow the public to interact with your video content and for your brand to take part in a dialogue. And engaging with YouTube users in the comments can help you get new YouTube subscribers. Plus, comments play an important role in the YouTube algorithm.

Can you post links in YouTube comments 2020?

Yes you can, but there are some factors to take into account when using links in the comment section. First, make sure the comment and link is relevant to the video and that you don’t just comment with a link. This means that the channel owner is less likely to remove your link and that YouTube won’t flag it as spam.