
Who was really pregnant on Desperate Housewives?

Who was really pregnant on Desperate Housewives?

Marcia Cross

Does Bree get pregnant in Desperate Housewives?

Bree is the only main Housewife not to be pregnant while on the show. Ironically, Cross is the only one of the four leading actresses to get pregnant when the show was filming.

What season of Desperate Housewives does Gabby get pregnant?

The time jump at the very end of season 4 of Desperate Housewives propelled the events of Wisteria Lane five years ahead, but it was never explained how Gaby was able to have children after her accident in season 2.

Does Carlos cheat on Gabbie?

Soon we find out that Carlos, played by Ricardo Antonio Chavira, is cheating on his wife with the surrogate, played by Gwendoline Yeo. Gaby kicks her husband out of the house and keeps the surrogate living with her: “I’m the boss of you,” she tells her

Does Gabrielle Desperate Housewives have baby?

Gabrielle agrees to have a child with Carlos, but her miscarriage leads to complications, forcing them to consider adoption. When she catches them having sex, she kicks Carlos out of the house and informs Xiao-Mei that she is not allowed to leave until the baby is born.

Does Tom Scavo cheat on Lynette?

Early life. Later, he meets and works with rising company executive Lynette Lindquist, with whom he begins a love affair. He cheats on Annabel with Lynette, leading to their marriage. In “Where do I belong” (E12/S7), it is revealed that twenty years ago, Tom and Lynette were engaged, and had broken up for one week.

Do Lynette and Tom get divorced?

In With So Little to Be Sure Of Lynette and Tom officially sign their divorce papers ending their marriage. Katherine Mayfair comes back to Wisteria Lane, offering Lynette a job at her new food company. Lynette doesn’t want it as she and Tom are together again but wants to prove herself.

Does Lynette have a miscarriage?

Season 6. Carlos torments Lynette because she lied about her pregnancy. (“Boom Crunch”) Lynette starts to feel pains in her stomach, so she goes to the hospital. She is then told by the doctors that one of her babies has miscarried because of the plane accident, but Paige is fine and healthy.

What is Katherine Mayfair’s secret?

Katherine began raising her new daughter, Dylan (Lyndsy Fonseca), and they moved to Chicago. Later Katherine married gynecologist Adam Mayfair (Nathan Fillion) from Harvard. Katherine lied to Adam that Wayne killed her biological daughter; he agreed to keep her secret and protect them from her ex-husband.

Do Mike and Susan get back together?

Season 6. It is revealed that Mike broke up with Katherine and asked Susan to marry him, again. She accepts and they plan their wedding. Her daughter, Julie, then returns to Wisteria Lane.

Was Desperate Housewives successful?

When Desperate Housewives ended its run, about 120 million households around the world were tuning in to keep abreast of the comings and goings on Wisteria Lane. It was the most-watched comedy-drama series internationally, and it was the third-highest revenue earning show in 2010.

Do Edie and Carlos have babies?

Edie’s son, Travers, is introduced for the first time, having been dropped off by his father for a month-long visit. Carlos Solis develops a fondness for Travers, which Edie uses to her advantage. Edie tries to seduce Carlos, but he tells her he’s not interested in her that way.