Who was Ed Banky?

Who was Ed Banky?

The basketball coach. He lends Stradlater his car for dates.

What does Holden’s altercation with Stradlater say about him?

Holden is worried that Stradlater won’t treat her properly. This altercation also shows that Holden acts rather immaturely. He may be right to be concerned about Stradlater’s treatment of girls but he could have tried discussing things in a more adult manner instead of just physically lashing out at him.

What did Stradlater and Jane do on their date?

He asks what Stradlater did on his date with Jane. Stradlater says they just sat in the car. Holden, his voice shaking, asks if he had sex with her (“gave her the time” Holden calls it), and when Stradlater coyly won’t deny it, Holden leaps up and throws a punch at his roommate.

Who is Arthur Childs in Catcher in the Rye?

A Quaker Holden knew at the Whooton School, who, unlike Holden, was a fan of the disciples.

Who comes to Holden’s door when he is in bed?


Why did Holden say he didn’t like the disciples?

Holden doesn’t like the disciples of Jesus therefore because, to him, they sum up what is wrong with the various people in his world that he tries to connect with: they are phony and cannot be trusted, as they kept “letting [Jesus] down.” Holden is desperately trying to find somebody who he can connect with in a …

Why does Holden decide not to take his own life?

Holden lies on te floor imagining himself taking revenge on Maurice. Why does Holden decide not to take him own life? He does not want a bunch of “rubber necks” looking at his dead body.

Is Holden an atheist?

Although he admits, “I’m sort of an atheist,” he declares that he likes Jesus. On the other hand, he doesn’t “care too much for most of the other stuff in the Bible.” The Disciples in particular “annoy the hell” of Holden; he believes that all they did was to “keep letting Him down.”

Who is Holden’s favorite biblical character?

It is telling that, other than Jesus, Holden’s favorite character in the Bible is “that lunatic and all, that lived in the tombs and kept cutting himself with stones.” He refers to Mark 5: 1-20, in which Jesus meets the troubled soul whose “name is Legion: for we are many.” Holden himself is a troubled soul and, like …

Does Holden Caulfield lose his virginity?

Holden Caulfield does not lose his virginity during the course of The Catcher in the Rye, though he makes some half-hearted attempts to do so.

Why does Holden say money turns blue?

Goddam money. It always ends up making you blue as hell. Holden picks up on the usual critique of consumerism and greed: money corrupts and does not in itself buy happiness.

Who does Holden talk to when he feels depressed?


Why was The Catcher in Rye banned?

It was banned or challenged countless times, for its profanity alone (“Banned Books Awareness: “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger. The book has multiple scenes and references to prostitution and premarital sex. In 1992, it was banned in a high school in Illinois for its alcohol abuse.

Why is Holden Caulfield in a mental hospital?

SALINGER STARTED THE BOOK AFTER BEING RELEASED FROM A MENTAL HOSPITAL. Multiple scholars view Holden’s alienation as a veiled response to what Salinger had witnessed as a soldier in World War II, where he spent 11 months advancing on Berlin. Shortly after the German surrender, he checked himself into a mental hospital.

Why is Holden Caulfield depressed?

His past traumas and current issues have led him to depression. In the beginning, Holden tells readers about the two deaths he experienced. His younger brother, Allie, died of leukemia three years prior, which greatly impacted him emotionally. The entire novel, Holden struggles to come to terms with growing up.

What does Holden blame his depression on?

Antolini accurately views the cause of Holden’s depression as his lack of personal motivation, his inability to self-reflect and his stubbornness to overlook the obvious which collectively results in him giving up on life before he ever really has a chance to get it started.

Is Holden Caulfield crazy?

Holden (despite the confusion of the Harcourt Brace executive) is not crazy; he tells his story from a sanatorium (where he has gone because of a fear that he has t.b.), not a mental hospital.

What does Catcher in the Rye literally mean?

Comin’ Thro the Rye

Is Holden Caulfield rich?

Holden comes from a rich and wealthy family. In the novel is says, While I was in the cab, I took out my wallet and sort of counted my money. I don’t remember exactly what I had left, but it was no fortune or anything. I’d spent a king’s ransom in about two lousy weeks.

Does Holden have schizophrenia?

Does Holden have a mental illness? While Salinger never provides a specific diagnosis, references to Holden’s mental instability are clear throughout the novel, and the reader could easily make the connection that Holden suffers from some combination of depression, anxiety, and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Is Holden a phony?

1. Based on definition number one, Holden Caulfield is a phony because when he introduces himself to people he does not know, he gives himself a different name as well as tells them false stories of his life and past. Hence, him being “fake” and “not real.”

Is Holden a hypocrite?

Holden Caulfield is a hypocrite because he is constantly putting people into boxes, claiming that they are phony; this has caused him to become extremely isolated from others, so he thirsts for intimacy from strangers.

Why does Holden think everyone is phony?

Holden characterizes “phonies” as people who are dishonest or fake about who they really are, or people who play a part just to fit into a society that Holden questions. Therefore, Holden hates “phonies” because they represent everything he fears or fights against, such as adulthood, conformity, and commercialism.

Is Holden himself guilty of being a phony?

Holden is guilty of being a phony! He spends so much time throughout the novel calling other people phonies. Well, Holden constantly acts like he is older than he really is. He always tells himself that he can fool people to believe he is older, so that he may do adult things, like buy a drink.

What does Mr Spencer think of Holden?

Mr. Spencer speaks frankly with Holden about his poor academic performance. Holden takes Mr. Spencer’s speech in stride, but internally he rails against his teacher’s insistence that “Life is a game” and that he must learn to follow the rules.