
Who sells RadAway New Vegas?

Who sells RadAway New Vegas?

RadAway is available for purchase at most drug stores and doctors in the game, including Mick & Ralph’s in Freeside, Doc Mitchell in Goodsprings, Dr. Ada Straus in Novac or Senior scribe Linda Schuler in the Hidden Valley bunker.

Where can I find a lot of RadAway in Fallout 4?


  • RadAway can be found in first aid boxes or wooden crates, or as a random loot on feral ghouls or Children of Atom.
  • Six can be found in the Boston mayoral shelter.
  • Four of Mass Fusion containment shed in the back of a blue Wicked Shipping truck.
  • Three in the basement of the Memory Den.

What do rads do in Fallout New Vegas?

Radiation is an environmental hazard in Fallout: New Vegas. At max level, it will cause instant death. Radiation only applies to the player: Any non-player characters do not gain rads….Radiation (Fallout: New Vegas)

Rads Level Effect
1000+ Fatal Radiation Poisoning DEATH (HP: -10,000)

Is there a doctor on the Strip New Vegas?

This page lists all doctors in Fallout: New Vegas….List of doctors.

Name Emily Ortal
Location New Vegas Strip
Faction (required reputation) Followers of the Apocalypse
Restores Hit points Yes
Purges Radiation No

Why are there no female super mutants?

Technically there are no male or female supermutants, they are sterile and cannot reproduce with each other or themselves. They actually can reproduce acording to Marcus from fallout 2. …

Who made super mutants?

Fallout 4 features super mutants created by the Institute using an FEV sample acquired through clandestine means. These mutants are the byproduct of its research into generation 3 synths, dumped into the Commonwealth.

Can you be a cannibal in Fallout 4?

Cannibal is a perk in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 that allows the player character to engage in cannibalism.

Why are super mutants hostile?

The general hostility of the Huntersville supermutants might also be due to attitude rather than a mere lack of mental capability. It could be that most of these mutants view humans as an enemy and thus attack on sight.

How are super mutant behemoths made?

The Behemoths are a result of the East Coast FEV because it allows the Super Mutants to keep growing indefinitely with age. It’s that simple, the older the super mutant, the more likely they’ll be a Behemoth on the East Coast.

Where can I find super mutant armor?


Name of location Items
West Everett Estates Super mutant cage helmet Super mutant chains
Gwinnett Brewery Super mutant cage helmet Super mutant arm guards
Trinity Plaza Super mutant wrist wraps
Shaw High School Super mutant chest harness Super mutant light armor

How do you kill the super mutants in Fallout 4?

Try to get Suiciders close to their friends, load up VATS and fire at the Nuke with a precision weapon. That’ll blow them (and whoever happens to be near them) into a hundred pieces. Take out Super Mutants with heavy weaponry. Mutants armed with Missile Launchers or similar weapons can easily end your gun show.

How do you kill Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

Killing them with big guns, plain and simple. Fallout 3: Eugene, Vengeance, Gauss Rifle from Operation: Anchorage (for the knockdown on Overlords) and the Lincoln’s Repeater all work very well against Super Mutants. So too, do the Reservist’s and Victory Rifle (Snipers).

How do you kill Super Mutants in Fallout 76?

The easiest way to kill a super mutant is to target one of it’s legs. It takes 1 shot from a 50 damage rifle to cripple the limb which always drops the Super Mutant’s health down to less than half and the second shot on the same limb will finish off the job.

How do I put armor on strong in Fallout 4?

How to Dress Up Dogmeat/Codsworth and Strong

  1. Point Dogmeat or any companion then Press E(Command Menu)
  2. Go to the Trade Menu and Select the Apparel you want.
  3. Hover the Item you want your Companion to wear.
  4. Hit the Equip/Unequip Button(T)
  5. Done with the Dress Up.

Where is the Super Mutant companion in Fallout 4?

He can be found locked up in a cell at the top of Trinity Tower along with his teacher, Rex Goodman, where the two have been imprisoned by other super mutants.

What does strong like and dislike Fallout 4?

He likes murder, mayhem, larceny, and Cannibalism. More problematically, he doesn’t like picking locks, hacking terminals, or using dialog to solve problems.