Who put the blanket on Scout How do we know?

Who put the blanket on Scout How do we know?

In the confusion, someone drapes a blanket over Scout. When Atticus later asks her about it, she has no idea who put it over her. Jem realizes that Boo Radley put it on her, and he reveals the whole story of the knothole, the presents, and the mended pants to Atticus.

How did Boo Radley know Scout was cold?

the children are told to stand in front of the radley house to stay safe and away from the fire because the fire might spread. who put the blanket around scout’s shoulders and how did the person know she was cold? boo put the blanket over scout because he noticed her shivering.

Who saw Boo Radley put the blanket on Scout?

Jem’s first concern is that Atticus will tell Nathan Radley about the blanket, and that will get Boo in trouble. Jem knows that Boo considers himself their friend, and that putting the blanket on Scout’s shoulders was just another friendly gesture. He did it quietly, because he did not want to be seen.

Who put the blanket around scouts shoulders and how does Atticus reach this conclusion?

Jem confesses about the knot-hole gifts and about his mended pants. Atticus does not understand everything that Jem is talking about, but he does realize that his children have been communicating with Boo Radley in a way. He concludes that Boo was the one who put the blanket over Scout in an act of friendship.

Who was the meanest woman who ever lived?

Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose
Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose is another Finch neighbour, who is known as the ‘meanest old woman who ever lived’ (Chapter 4, p. 41).

Who put blankets around scouts shoulders?

While Scout and Jem are waiting in the cold, Boo Radley silently places a blanket over Scout’s shoulders to keep her warm.

What did Miss Maudie actually say in Chapter 8?

When Miss Maudie witnesses Jem’s creation, she yells, erected an absolute morphodite in that yard! Atticus, you’ll never raise ’em (Lee, 70). A “morphodite” is a slang term used for hermaphrodite, which is a person with both male and female reproductive organs.

What does the snowman symbolize in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Snowman. The snowman symbolizes teamwork between the white and black people of the community. The snowman representing Robinson’s life, is burned down during the fire. The snow symbolizing Atticus, and the mud representing Tom Robinson.