
Who is the mother of Pentheus?

Who is the mother of Pentheus?


How is Pentheus killed?

Pentheus climbed up to the top of a tree for a better view of the Maenads but he was then spotted by the women who thought him to be a wild animal. Driven wild by this intrusion, the women tore the trapped Pentheus down and ripped his body apart, piece by piece (called “sparagmos” in Greek).

How did Cadmus die?

The “Wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia” is considered as a conceptual symbolic coupling of Eastern (Phoenician) learning with Western (Greek) love of beauty. He died tragicallly by getting killed by Ares the God of war.

Why was King Laius cursed?

There, Laius fell in love with Pelops’ son, Chrysippus. He lured Chrysippus out of town and raped him, then fled back to Thebes as Pelops cursed him for his transgression. Horrified, he abandoned Corinth, and headed towards Thebes where he decided to try his luck as an exile.

Who is Cadmus daughter?

Cadmus later took as his wife Harmonia, daughter of the divinities Ares and Aphrodite, by whom he had a son, Polydorus, and four daughters, Ino, Autonoë, Agave, and Semele.

Who does Amphion and zethus kill?

Antiope bore twins: Amphion and Zethus, who ruled Thebes after they killed Lycus and his wife Dirce. Amphion married Niobe (of the 7 sons and 7 daughters) and built the walls of Thebes. The music from his lyre moved the stones to their places in the wall.

Who killed Polynices?


What do Amphion and zethus represent?

Amphion became a great singer and musician after his lover Hermes taught him to play and gave him a golden lyre. Zethus became a hunter and herdsman, with a great interest in cattle breeding. As Zethus was associated with agriculture and the hunt, his attribute was the hunting dog, while Amphion’s – the lyre.

Who is with Oedipus when he dies?

When Oedipus is born, Laius ties his hands and feet and leaves him on a mountainside to die. A shepherd rescues Oedipus and brings him to the king of Corinth, who raises Oedipus. After reaching manhood, Oedipus sets out on a journey. He meets an old man at a crossroads who is attended by five servants.

Why did Oedipus take his eyes out?

Oedipus acknowledges that his hubris has left him blind to the truth and is too ashamed of himself to witness the citizens’ reactions. Overall, Oedipus chooses stab out his eyes as a way of punishing himself for his hubris and ignorance.

What caused Jocasta to realize that Oedipus was her child?

At what point of the story does Jocasta realize that Oedipus is her son who killed his father Laius? Ans. When Jocasta observes that Oedipus is too much troubled by the accusation of Teiresias as that he was leiller ofhis own father, she tries to alleviate his worries by saying that prophets are often wrong.

What happened to Oedipus on the last part of the story?

Oedipus died at Colonus near Athens, where he was swallowed into the earth and became a guardian hero of the land.

What did Oedipus do wrong?

The simple answer is that Oedipus is guilty of two crimes: killing the king and incest. While traveling on the road one day, Oedipus meets King Laius.