
Who is the hero in Tartuffe?

Who is the hero in Tartuffe?


Is Tartuffe a tragedy?

Tartuffe is very much a play of the world, a satiric comedy. Set in an urban landscape, the play insistently translates the idealized passions of tragedy and romantic comedy—love, honor, loyalty—into their ironic counterparts—lust, hypocrisy, betrayal.

What is the major dramatic question in Tartuffe?

What is the play’s Major Dramatic Question? “Will Orgon realize that Tartuffe isn’t who he seems to be and has bad intentions?” he has to Tartuffe and is made a fool and almost loses his home.

How is Tartuffe a hypocrite?

The title character of this work, Tartuffe, is the ultimate hypocrite: his sinful actions completely contradict the Catholic values that he preaches. Although Tartuffe claims to be pious, charitable, and holy, he is in fact lustful, greedy, and treacherous.

Who is the antagonist in Tartuffe?

Orgon praises Tartuffe for looking over his family when in reality Tartuffe wasn’t looking out for the family; he was trying to seduce Elmire. Antagonist is the person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with the protagonist. In Tartuffe the antagonist was Tartuffe himself.

How did Orgon meet Tartuffe?

Within his comedy “Tartuffe”, Moliere portrays a relationship based on underlying deception between the characters Orgon and Tartuffe. When Orgon first meets the religious hypocrite after a service, he immediately becomes drawn to Tartuffe’s ideals and practices.

What is the setting of Tartuffe?

Written in 1664, “Tartuffe” is set in the house of Orgon, a wealthy Parisian who befriends the titular character, a corrupt and hypocritical “holy man.” Though Orgon’s family — wife, Elmire; son, Damis; and daughter, Mariane — are not impressed by Tartuffe’s pious charades, Orgon trusts the man absolutely and orders …

Who wrote Tartuffe?


Why is Tartuffe important?

The reasons behind the play’s fame are simple: it was scandalous. By 1664, Molière was already a big name in French theater. Tartuffe riled up Molière’s critics even more than his previous plays. At the time, the Catholic Church was a major political power in France.

Who played Tartuffe in the first performance?

Jean-Baptiste Molière

Why does Orgon trust Tartuffe?

Orgon trusts Tartuffe because he has been raised to view spiritual individuals like priests as morally irreproachable.

What did Orgon give Tartuffe that could be dangerous in the wrong hands?

Terms in this set (25) Hiding Orgon under a table and listening to Tartuffe try to seduce her. What did Orgon give Tartuffe that would be dangerous in the wrong hands? some papers that he was holding for a friend. To whom does Orgon decide to marry his daughter despite her displeasure?

What does Orgon give to Tartuffe?

When he tells Orgon – who just happens to walk in – what he’s just seen, Orgon doesn’t believe him. As a result, Orgon disinherits Damis and gives Tartuffe the rights to his whole estate. She makes him hide under a table and tells Dorine to call in Tartuffe. When Tartuffe arrives, she does her best to “seduce” him.

What role does cleante play Tartuffe?

The brother of Elmire (and brother-in-law of Orgon), Cléante represents the height of reason and good sense. Throughout the play he attempts to counsel his brother-in-law against Tartuffe, but is inevitably ignored or even scolded.

How does Tartuffe attempt to take his revenge on Orgon?

Orgon leaves in a huff. When Damis tells Orgon that he’s just seen Tartuffe try to seduce Elmire, he doesn’t believe him – despite the fact that Tartuffe admits to doing it. He kicks out Damis and disinherits him. Tartuffe threatens Orgon, telling him that he’s in charge now, and that he’ll soon get revenge.

Why is Dorine angry with Orgon?

Dorine mocks Orgon when he is unable to convince Madame Pernelle that Tartuffe is a fraud. Monsieur Loyal threatens to call the police on Dorine when she makes a snide comment.

Why does Madame Pernelle dislike the house servants?

Why does Madame Pernelle dislike the house servants? They are opinionated and want to give advice.

Where does Orgon hide in Act 4 of Tartuffe?
