
Who are the 6 brothers of Ravana?

Who are the 6 brothers of Ravana?

Ravana was a prime antagonist character in the epic Ramayana. He had six brothers and two sisters namely Lord Kubera, Vibhishana, Kumbhakarna, King Khara, Dushana, King Ahiravan, Kumbhini and Surpanakha.

Who was the youngest son of Ravana?


What was Ravana’s age when he died?

42 years old

Who is Ravana’s mama?


How did Shri Ram died?

In these revisions, the death of Sita leads Rama to drown himself. Through death, he joins her in afterlife. Rama dying by drowning himself is found in the Myanmar version of Rama’s life story called Thiri Rama.

Why Sita did not return to Ayodhya?

“Sita’s mother died a few years ago… the thought of contamination by strangers’ touch and her daughter’s life in danger made her wither into a skeleton. Her last words were ‘What will people say? ‘” It is then that Lakshmana informs her that she won’t be going back to Ayodhya. Rama had banished her to the forest.৪ মে, ২০১৩

How many wives did Lord Rama have?

four wives

Why did Lord Rama leave Sita?

The reason that Rama had to be separated from Sita was to fulfill a curse that was given to him! In the fights between Gods and Demons, Lord Vishnu often supported the Gods for the welfare of the three worlds.২৬ জানু, ২০১৭

Why was Sita a good wife?

She is the ideal wife. It is said that Sita was able enough to free herself from the captivity of Ravana, but like a dutiful wife who would never hurt the ego of her husband, she trusts Ram to save her from the misery of her condition. She chooses to be liberated by Ram.৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৪

Why did mandodari marry vibhishana?

Vibhishana had betrayed Ravana on the field of battle by supporting Rama. The people of Lanka would have never accepted him as their king. To increase Vibhishana’s popularity and make the people of Lanka view him in a positive light, Rama wanted Mandodari to marry him, as part of a political alliance.২৩ জুলাই, ২০১৮

Who is the second wife of Ravana?


What happened to Sita after death of Ravana?

In the Kurma Purana, Sita prays to Agni just when Ravana arrives to kidnap her. While Sita is taken by Agni to heaven, Maya Sita is confined in Lanka. After Ravana’s death, when Maya Sita enters the fire at Agni Pariksha, Agni restores the real undefiled Sita to Rama; meanwhile Maya Sita is destroyed in the blaze.

Who was Sita in next birth?

Vedavati entered the fire and immolated herself in the blazing flames promising to return as Sita in her next birth to ensue the destruction of Ravana. [1] Ravana himself evntually identified Sita to be the incarnation of princess Vedavati whom he previously molested against her will.

Did Rama and Sita reunite after death?

After completion of his leela on earth Bhagwan Ram took jal samadhi in Sarayu river. Sita mata did not die per se. She was the daughter of mother earth and she went back to mother earth once Luv and Kush reunited Ram and Sita.