
Which side should I choose in Stick of Truth?

Which side should I choose in Stick of Truth?

User Info: VenomSnake. It doesn’t make a difference which side you choose. The story converges again very quickly and you have access to everything.

Does it matter who you side with in Stick of Truth?

User Info: Green_Puff. Honestly, it doesn’t matter whose side you choose. Small changes, different bosses( Butters/Cartman or Stan/Kyle).

Who is the best buddy in Stick of Truth?

User Info: MacDiiddy

  • Kyle. 5.71% (4 votes)
  • Stan. 11.43% (8 votes)
  • Kenny. 8.57% (6 votes)
  • Jimmy. 2.86% (2 votes)
  • Cartman. 12.86% (9 votes)
  • Butters. 58.57% (41 votes)

How do I get out of the school vent in Stick of Truth?

Break your way into the air ducts, and use the anal probe to go up a level. Attack the air vent grate to have it drop down on an enemy. Now, go back and throw a fart at the flames on the bench. It will blow up.

How do you get into the school in Stick of Truth?

You need to go around back to where the Goth kids are and have Jimmy use his buddy ability to go up the handicapped ramp into the school.

How do you beat Butters Stick of Truth?

Fighting Butters This can prove to be the more difficult boss and can be dragged out if you let it. Attack with Stan’s Whirlwind or Way of the Sword to whittle down his shield and Armor, then use power attacks to damage him enough to bypass his Healing Touch.

Where is the bronze key in Stick of Truth?

Head back into the hall and go right to the Counselor’s office. Inside, the key is up on the shelf. Use your bow or dodgeball again to knock it down.

How do you use the buddy command in Stick of Truth?

on the computer you press q and then you press f to target the hand icon for the action to take place.

  1. Boards.
  2. South Park: The Stick of Truth.
  3. Buddy Command.

How do you beat the hall monitor boss in South Park?

There are three Hall Monitors ahead. If you want an easier fight, wait for the two in front to both be under the cow sign, then shoot it down with your bow to knock ’em out. Engage the last one in combat. You’ll gain a Brass Key regardless.

How do you rescue Craig Stick of Truth?

Once you find it, cast the spell by moving the right analogue stick up or pressing the right mouse button. You have to successfully perform this action twice – first, on the dummy, then, on Kenny. Having been introduced into the world of magic, you are now ready to rescue Craig.

How do you switch buddies in Stick of Truth?

Tricks like being able to switch your Buddy at any time by pressing down on the D-pad to access the Party menu, or taking the first swing at overworld enemies so that you get the first turn when the battle starts, and what your Buddies can do and are specifically good at are all up to us to discover accidentally.

How do you use the buddy command in South Park fractured but whole?

Inspect the trigger. Select the appropriate hero. Then hold X to finalize the inspection. That should create a buddy-holo on the ground that you can activate.

Where do you get Goth clothes in Stick of Truth?

South Park: The Stick of Truth – Head to the front of U-Stor-It and buy the goth cap, clothes, and gloves from the homeless man.

How do you save Craig Stick of Truth?

How do you get the cafeteria key in South Park?

Use Butters’ buddy ability to heal the guy huddled in the corner. He gives you the Silver Key to Mackey’s office. Loot the office and shoot the gold key down to get into the cafeteria.

How do you get into tokens house in Stick of Truth?


  1. You cant enter his house, just his garage and with the alien probe, his roof.
  2. The gas mask at jimbo’s gun shop will protect you against the pepper spray and activate a fight with the man who guards Tokens house.
  3. Go to Jimbos and buy the gas mask from him.

How do you call a human kite?

You can either walk there or use the fast travel point. Once you arrive, walk over to the lofts and look for the small pinwheel fan. Interact with it and you’ll be able to call in the Human Kite to help you out.