
Which MMO has the best Dungeons?

Which MMO has the best Dungeons?


Is WoW worth playing in 2021?

For that reason – and the many other, less endgame-specific ones – World of Warcraft is still very much worth playing in 2021, and may be in one of its best states in recent memory.

Is Shadowlands worth coming back?

YES. Shadowlands is (so far) a great example of a fun and content packed expansion. The story is quite neat aswell (However you might need a read up if you haven’t played since MoP) The only MAJOR issue with Shadowlands is that Mythic and Raids give way too little loot, which Hopefully Will be fixed in 9.1.

Should you buy Shadowlands?

You definitely do not need Shadowlands for any reason pre-50. You can experience everything non-SL with just a subscription. However you might consider leveling fast and picking it up soon, because a new WoW expansion is a special time that only comes once every two years.

What do you do at level 60 in Shadowlands?

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands – What to Do at Level 60

  • Torghast, Tower of the Damned. One of the first things that World of Warcraft: Shadowlands players will want to do after hitting Level 60 is to grab the introductory quest-line for Torghast and the Runecarver.
  • The Runecarver.
  • Soulbinds and Conduits.
  • Dungeons, World Bosses, and Weekly Quests.

Can you start Shadowlands at level 48?

level 48 players can start shadowlands.

When can I start Shadowlands content?

When Patch 9.0 hits, players who are at level 120 will automatically be shifted down to level 50, which means those players will automatically be able to partake in Shadowlands content, which begins at level 50 onwards.

How do I start Shadowlands?

To start Shadowlands intro quest:

  1. Head to Stormwind.
  2. Find High Inquisitor Whitemane. For Alliance players, she will appear at Stormwind Keep, in front of the fountain.
  3. Speak with her and accept the quest “Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons”

Is dungeon leveling faster than questing?

Thanks! Dungeons might be on par if you get a great group that smashes everything, but most of your groups won’t be like that. Questing is a lot more consistent for xp/hour. Questing is BY FAR the best way to go.

How fast can you level to 120?

Some players can drastically lower that time, but it’s still an extremely long experience. For new players with no items or knowledge of what to do, leveling from level 1 to 120 can take nearly 80 hours. At BlizzCon 2019, Blizzard announced major changes to leveling experience — to go along with the level squish.

What level should I start doing dungeons in wow?

If you want to do a few dungeons on your ride 50-60 that’s fine, but it’s slower exp than questing. After you hit 60, do world quests and queue for normal dungeons until your item level 155, but I recommend buying some gear on the AH first. At 155, queue for heroic dungeons they drop 171 gear.